∆ magical law enforcement squad

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Employees associated with the Magical Law Enforcement Squad:

• Bob Ogden, head of the Magical Law Enforcement Squad c. 1920s

• Alastair Gumboil, who handles applications for Hit-Witches and Hit-Wizards from room 919
The Magical Law Enforcement Squad

- employs Hit-Wizards to handle dangerous criminals, such as Sirius Black

- enforces wizarding law, including when Bob Ogden had the unpleasant task of confronting the Gaunt family about their anti-Muggle behaviour

- should be called upon if you suspect that your friend, colleague, or family member is acting strangely, as they may be under the Imperius Curse

- handled a backfiring jinx in Elephant and Castle

Mr Weasley tells Harry that the "Magical Law Enforcement Patrol" will deal with a regurgitating toilet in Bethnal Green. This "ordinary" Patrol is sent out to trivial misdemeanours.

- handles applications for employment as a Hit-Witch or Hit-Wizard through Alastor Gumboil (whose office was located at room 919 at the Ministry)

- made arrests after rioting in Chipping Clodbury broke out during a meeting between the Brotherhood of Goblins (B.O.G.) and the Ministry to discuss goblin rights (DP3)
handled security at the Holyhead Harpies vs. Puddlemere United Quidditch match on Ilkley Moor hoping to avoid the trouble that had occurred at previous matches - even taking the extraordinary step of confiscating wands from fans - but trouble ensued anyway.

The job requirements:

- 17 years of age or older
- five or more OWLs including Defence Against the Dark Arts
- not of nervous disposition

The benefits include:

- starting salary of 700 Galleons per month
- Ministry of Magic broomstick
- regular bed at Saint Mungo's

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