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Taehyung and his best friend y/n are about to be freshman's in college to celebrate there last night as seniors in high school taehyung ask y/n on a date to the carnival (of course her, not knowing it's a date) the thing is Tae has had a huge crush on y/n since 7th grade he realized he had feelings for her when she got her first boyfriend but he's never really had the guts to tell her until tonight on the carousel.  "Y/n wanna go on that ride" Taehyung says as he points to the carousel. "isn't that for baby's Tae" Y/n says raising a brow "N-no of course not.. just come with me" he grabs her hand as he starts running over to the carousel on the way there he's thinking of various ways how he's gonna ask her to be his girlfriend.  As they're on the ride taehyung looks over to Y/n and sees her looking out at all the city lights his heart skipping beats as he blushes at the beauty right in front of him he can never control his heartbeat whenever he's around her. His mind loses all focus and all he sees is her no one else is around them the carousel music playing softly in the background matching the melody of the atmosphere.  "Tae" Y/n sweet voice breaks his trance "are you ok? you look a little red," she says as she puts her palm on his forehead. "I'm fine," Taehyung says as he moves her hand away facing the wall that's on the side of him." We can go home now if you're not feeling well," Y/n says as she looks at taehyung with concern written all over her face.  "NO!" taehyung shouts looking at her with wide eyes. Not trying to let the night be over so soon. As he realizes he shouted and people are looking at him he gets embarrassed and looks down, it's now or never, Taehyung thinks to himself "Y-yn I have something to tell you," Taehyung says while he looks over at Y/n.  Y/n hums as she looks over at Taehyung, "I've had a crush on you since 7th grade I know it's weird because we're best friends but if you don't want to be with me that ok I know you can do way better than m-" "TAE!" Y/n stops Taehyung from bringing himself down and rambling "I like you too I always have I don't ever want you to say that I'll do better than loving someone like you because your the only guy that has decided to treat me right and that's why I fell in love with you all those years ago" Y/n says as she holds Taehyung's hands looking deeply into his brown eyes.  "Y-you love me," Taehyung says smiling looking right back into her y/c/e (your colored eyes) "shit," she says blushing looking away from him "hey," Taehyung says softly as he cups her face into his hands "I love you too," He says as he kisses her lovingly on the lips leaving his planted there for what seems like forever but was only 3 seconds. As he pulls away he says the words he's always wanted to tell her, "will you y/n l/n be my girlfriend" and he got the response he's always wanted.... "yes"

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