The cold boyfriend//Yoongi-Suga//fluff little bit sexual

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Disclaimer: Muslim ARMY this one you shouldn't read this considering Ramadan.

Y/n and Yoongi have been dating for about 2 years, but there was one problem with the relationship. Yoongi was never one to show love for someone, whenever Y/n would say "I love you" Yoongi would reply with, "I know" or "Thanks" not knowing that at one point his girlfriend would be longing for him to say those words back.

Y/n POV:
He's been gone for a month now, I really miss him. I think to myself as I look at the locket Yoongi had bought me for our last anniversary. In the lockete there was a picture of me kissing his cheek. Luckily he's coming back in a week. I sigh, throwing my head against the couch closing my eyes.

I hear my phone go off and see the name "baby😍💞" pop up signifying a facetime call. I press "Answer" and smile when I see my boyfriend on the other screen. "Hi baby, how are you?" I ask him. "I'm doing good. The stadiums are insane, the seats are full here, so I can hear the fans screaming even through the ear piece." He says as he smiles at me. "Aw that's nice I hope you and the boys are healthy, you know sleeping well and eating well." I say as I stare at his dark orbs with concern.

"Yeah we're all doing well Jin-hyung makes us food at times" he says as he looks over to the side where I'm guessing Jin was. After about twenty minutes of catching up he finally had to go. "I have to go. I'll see you next week," He says while looking at the time on his phone. "Oh alright, bye I love you." I say smiling at him. "Ok" He says as he hangs up. There he goes again, I think to myself while sighing. I threw my phone to the side of me. I feel my eyes tear up. One day Y/n, he will finally say those words. I wrap my arms around myself as I go to our shared bedroom and sleep.

~~~One week later~~~

3rd person POV:
Y/n hears the door open and jolts up to see her boyfriend he holds out his arms as she runs towards him engulfing him in a hug. "Hi my beautiful girl" Yoongi says as he smiles. Although he can't really show her much love he does try to be as affectionate as he can be. "I missed you" Y/n says nuzzling her face into his neck. "I missed you too," he says, kissing the top of her head.

"You don't understand how much I love you." Y/n says as she looks up at him, "I know you do" he says as he looks down at her. Suddenly she frowns and pulls away from him. "Why can't you just say it?" She says while looking at her feet. "What do you mea-" Yoongi starts but is suddenly interrupted. "Don't play dumb you know exactly what I mean," Y/n says while glaring at him. "You know I feel the same way hun why should I have to tell you." He says walking up to her trying to hold her once more. "You never show it though." She says while stepping back not wanting him to get near her.

"Well then let me show you" He says as he looks at her with admiring eyes. "How?" She says looking at him. He walked up to her, grabs her face and kisses her passionately. She melts into the kiss and was thinking about forgiving him but her stubbornness won her over. As he pulls away she looks at him, "So you think kissing me will make me forgive you?" She says while rolling her eyes. "Shh" Yoongi says as he picks her up and takes them to their shared bedroom. He places her down gently on the bed and kisses her again while slowly taking off her shirt. He pulls away to admire her then pulls off her clothing completely. She makes her way to his buttoned up shirt and slowly unbuttons it.

"I love you Y/n, this night I will prove it to you." Yoongi says while he kisses her once more.

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