HC: Does Daud's Assassin's Bond Power Brainwash His Whalers?

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When poking around and searching for headcanons, I found this one about Daud's ability to share his power. It's an interesting idea, that his powers are slowly brainwashing his men without his knowledge, but I have to disagree despite how interesting this is. 

One of  the reasons I disagree is because of one factor, Billie Lurk. If anyone should be completely brainwashed, it'd be her. From what I gather, she is the oldest member of the Whalers, thus, meaning she had been exposed the longest. Out of everyone, she should be the most loyal and obedient if this is the case. But the thing is, she isn't. She betrays Daud to Delilah in The Knife of Dunwall, thus, proving that the Whalers aren't being brainwashed. And if you need even more proof. If you go low chaos route in The Knife of Dunwall and roll your data into starting The Brigmore Witches expansion, The Whalers begin to talk about how "weak" Daud is, and if they where mind controlled, then they'd never talk like that. They wouldn't be able to. They fear and respect him, and that is where their loyalty stems from. And it also helps they get free magic powers while their at it.

However, there are a few quotes The Heart gives that does support the headcanon that there is a possibility that they are all mind controlled, but that's really all. And it's not that reliable because she keeps saying things that basically means "I cannot see much, so I don't know." It might just be that she cannot see into the minds of Whalers because, much like being immune to poisons and spreading that to his men (sleep darts are an exception I guess), his powers can also give him the ability to block mind reading abilities that the heart has. Because, if I remember correctly, she has a hard time reading Daud too. 

So all and all, cool Headcanon but I don't see how it works in the Dishonored Universe. But then again, there may be something I've missed. And if any of you have anything to add, let me know!

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