Pool Time

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I snuck up behind him and....

"CHASE!" I screamed as I poked his sides. He jumped 10 feet and fell into the pool, his snap back drifting towards me. I bent down to pick it up, I obviously knew he was going to drag me down with him, when someone pushed me. I fell right by Chase who was coming up for air, and probably to get out, because it was so fucking COLD!

 I splashed in the water head first, but even though it was cold, it felt good on my scars. Chase looked at me as he was coming up and I waved at him, and him waving back. I swam down halfway and waited, I had a lung-full of air, so when I heard muffled voices, and two faces peer into the water, I swam full speed until a quarter way, and slowed to see that Anti and Schneep had their heads turned up, Chase distracting them. I guess he knew what I meant by waving at him.

I popped up and grabbed their ankles along with air and swam down. I heard both of them scream and I felt splashes above me. I went all the way down to the floor and touched my nose to it, before racing up with both of them still in my grip. I popped up like a rocket from me not slowing at all, and I let go of the still shocked Psychopath demon and 'doctor'. I fell back into the water and bobbed up again, only to be met by a furious Anti. He had glowing eyes and a green aura around him that shone like the north star. He growled at me and lunged in the water. I turned and swam to the shallow end of the pool and got out before he could catch me.

 I was soaking wet, so when I entered through the glass door and onto the hardwood, I stared to slip. I managed to make it to the living room without slipping on my ass on the hardwood. I was on the carpet when I started to run towards my bag because I had my Stiletto in there. The Stiletto was pitch black with my grandfather's name carved on the blade and my grandmother's name on the handle. 

I heard him come up and I dove for my bag, just getting it before he stopped in front of me, his shoes soaking wet, along with the rest of him. He grabbed my hair and made me stand up. He still had the aura around him, his eyes were glowing, but not like the first time I saw him. They were cold and hard, like stones in the winter, not soft.

"Bad choice, (y/n)." He said with a glitchy voice.

He pulled a knife out of nowhere and put it on the flesh over my cheekbone and dug it in my cheek, a small bit of blood escaping. Instead of wincing or screaming in pain, I stared into his eyes and looked at his face, which went from an insane smile to confusion to a smile again. He started to slowly pull the knife down my cheek in the shape of my cheekbone, slowly getting deeper. I just stood there, looking at him with an emotionless face. He stopped and pulled the knife out, licking the blood off of it. The blood was coming down my cheek fast, but I stayed there, frozen. I then remembered the Stiletto. I got it out and pushed the button. He stopped and looked down to the knife, then back at me.

"Are you going to do anything with that?"

I pushed it to his stomach, and just for a second, I wanted so badly to stab him, but, I remembered Alan, that night... everything that he did to me. I dropped to my knees in front of him with the knife still in my hand, and dropped my head. I closed my eyes and thought about Alan and what he did to me. I opened my eyes and saw the switchblade in my hand. I saw Anti's foot and stabbed him in his foot.


I pulled the knife out and dropped it on the floor. He glitched badly as he crouched down to my level. He scowled at me and stood up. I was on the floor, emotionless. I went in a trance for a few seconds, until Anti grabbed my neck and lifted me up. He looked right into my eyes and I saw the same eyes as before, cold and hard. He threw me to the wall and I collided with it, but landed on my feet. I needed to defend myself, fight for myself. I saw the Stiletto on the floor and dove for it, since we were close to the wall in the first place.

I got the knife and stood up, to find no Anti. I turned around, but nobody was there. I tuned back and he was there. He grabbed my neck and lifted me off the ground, choking me. Just then, Chase and Schneep came running in. I have no idea where they were, but they froze when they saw me with a knife and hanging a foot off the ground by Anti. Anti's wrist was showing, so I took the chance and cut it deeply. I had cut it deep enough to cut the main vein wide open, and black blood was pouring out. I was starting to pass out, when Chase ran to me. He and Schneep said something to me, but I couldn't hear them, everything.. was... so.............


If you know this song, you're as crazy as me, but for those who don't know the song, tell me what you think!

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