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What the fuck was that?


It was my phone. I open my eyes to see that I'm in Chase's room, with Chase sleeping on the floor, hugging a pillow to his chest. I decide not to bother him because he's probably worrying his head off about anything but me. I've gotten used to it, not being loved, being exploited for a man's wants, like a whore.

I turn my head to the nightstand and see my phone plugged in and the screen glowing. I grab it and unplug it to see who or what woke me. 

Wait, how long was I asleep? I don't know, I'll ask Chase when he gets up.

My phone dings again, so I look at it. My blood drains from my face as I read the text that I got


Hey baby, please come back. I miss you. 😘

Fine. You don't want to answer, don't I'll find you somehow. Luv you. 😍

You're cheating on me?!

I know where you're staying, baby. I will come get you, and I will kill that man you're cheating on me with.

I blush deep red at the last text. I don't reply and just set my phone down on the nightstand, screen down. I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed, putting my feet down on the plush carpet and taking a deep breath in. I stand up and crack my knees and hips in the process. I stretch and crack my back and elbows, I crack my knuckles, my toes, and my neck to finish it off. I look over to Chase to see if I woke him. I didn't. But he still had his snapback on, well, kind of. It was off set and basically looks like someone set it on his head when he was sleeping. I walked over and took his hat. I put it on my head and walked over to the mirror on the closet door. I saw myself and thought, how the hell did Alan want this garbage? 

I was extremely pale, my hair was knotted and greasy, my clothes were crumpled and baggy, my eyes had dark circles under them, and my lips were dry. I seriously needed a shower, makeup, and a change of fresh clothes from my bag. I go to touch the cut on my face with my left hand, when I look at my hand. The ring. It's gone. The only thing I have left of my mother, the only person in my life who understood every phase I was going through as a teen, who helped me with my homework every night, was gone. I freeze in shock that it's gone, and the only person I can think who took it, is, Anti. I didn't know that Chase had woken up and has seen my frozen in shock and, may I say, on the brink of tears from anger and sadness.

I snap out of it and turn towards the door to go get a fresh set of clothes. I pass by Chase who was standing up to probably comfort me with sweet nothings. I go out to the living room and notice that Schneep and Anti were sleeping on the floor......... cuddling. Well, they were laying down and hugging each other around the waist, Anti with his head on Schneep's chest, and Schneep's head on Anti's head, and their legs were intertwined. I tried to hold in a gagging aww since they were brothers, so I went back to Chase's room silently to get my phone. I enter at the sight of Chase taking off his shirt. I blush almost a velvet red, and get my phone without having a nosebleed, thankfully.

I went back with the camera on my phone ready and found that they were still like that. I took a couple pictures and got my bag quietly and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I would ask all three men about my ring, and whoever has it, they will get more than a scolding. Before I stripped down, I heard two screams and a bunch of laughing. I unlocked and opened the bathroom door and walked out to the living room to see Chase wheezing on the floor and Anti and Schneep glaring at each other. If looks could kill. Chase stopped laughing and looked up to see me with his hat, which, through all of this, I still had it on. He stood up beside me and tried to snatch it, but I noticed him trying to do that, so I dodged it and ran to the bathroom. I got there just in time to close and lock the door.

"(y/n)! Give me my hat back!"



"Because I'm going to take a shower and you're not getting it until I get out, maybe."

"Awww! That's my favorite and only hat I have! Please give it back?"

I gave in and unlocked and opened the door to give the hat back. I opened the door and put the hat on his head, not before ruffling his hair though. I closed and locked the door and stripped down and hopped in the shower with my shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. I was washing my hair, when I remembered that I forgot to take my brush with me in the shower. thankfully, I put it on the counter top by the shower. I reached my hand out to grab it, when I had flashbacks.

I reach my hand out to get my brush, (ironic, right) and right when I grab it, Alan walks in and sees that, and probably thinks that I was going for my phone, since it was right next to the brush. I take the brush and pull my hand inside the curtain, but he grabs my wrist.

"What do you think you're doing, baby," he asks me. A shiver goes down my spine because I don't know what he's going to do.

"Grabbing my brush. Do you have a problem with that?"

A wave of pain shot through my hand and arm, but I held in my screams.

"Never lie to me, baby. I know what you were going to do." Now I was curious on what he means.

"What was I going to do?"

"You were going to send nudes because you're cheating, you whore."

He let go of my wrist, and I pulled it in to see what he did. He stabbed my hand. He. Stabbed. My. Hand. I set my brush down and put my hand under the running water from the shower. Once the blood washed away, I looked at it. I could see through my hand.

The flashback ended and I got out of there as quickly as possible after I brushed my hair. I rummaged through my bag until I found a (f/b) crop top with black ripped skinny jeans, and of course, a change of undergarments and socks. My shoes were by the door because I took them off when I first got here, so I didn't worry about those. I unlocked and opened the door to find...


The song at the song is called wait and bleed by Slipknot.

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