A "Walk" With a Demon

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I saw two men. One with a cat mask and the other with a super hero suit. I jumped back in surprise to see two strangers in the front of the door. I looked into their eyes and saw that they were on the brink of crying. I gave them a smile and walked to Chase and Schneep to ask who they were. When I got to Chase and Schneep, Chase was crying, which I thought was saddening, but hilarious to see a grown man cry, and Schneep was comforting him, but was pale in the face and his mouth was pulled into a straight line. I cleared my throat and got all four men's attention.

"Um, who are these people," I asked as sweetly as possible. Chase looked behind me and instantly ran over to them, hugging both of them at the same time. I ignored it and walked towards the door to take a walk. I walked to the door and grabbed the handle, when I stopped and turned around. I saw Anti looking at my mother's picture. I walked over to him and stood by him, looking at the picture as well, remembering that day. She was so happy, until the day after the picture was taken. He picked up the framed picture and smiled. Not a sadistic smile, a sad smile. He then looked at me and had the sad smile still on his face.

"You look like your mother," I was taken aback by that, but I do.

"Yeah, I do, it's one of the things that my father couldn't take away from me."

He looked back at the picture and motioned me towards him. I went closer to him skeptically.

"Do you see that person right there," he asked me, pointing to a man with green hair and black swim shorts on the beach.

"Yeah, my father told me to stay away from that man," I said while nodding.

"That's me."

I tuned my head to see him. He kept looking at the picture for a few seconds, then put it down on the table. I grabbed my father's knife and put it in my back pocket of my jeans. He looked up and looked at me with sad eyes. I don't know why he has sad eyes, what is he sad about?

"Do you want to go somewhere with me," He asked me. I slimmed my eyes and looked at him skeptically.

"As long as it's not your bedroom."

He laughed at that and held out his hand. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Take my hand," he said while rolling his eyes. I was about to take his hand when Schneep, Chase, and the two other men, in sync, slapped my hand away. I turned to them and cocked my head to the side.

"Why would you trust him," Schneep started.

"He tried to kill you," Chase finished.

"Seriously guys, it kind of sounds like you can't leave me alone for the sake of humanity," I said while rolling my eyes at them. They tried protesting that it wasn't the reason why, when Anti tapped my shoulder. I turned around to face him, and he held out his hand again while nobody was looking. Everybody was looking at me now. I sighed and turned to the men next to me.

"I'll be fine, guys. Trust me."

They nodded and watched me take Anti's hand. It was large and rough, but ice cold. I hid my shiver from how cold he was.

"close your eyes," he said to me.

"If you kiss me, I will slap you."

"I'm not, trust me." I slumped my shoulders and sighed.

"But I wanted to slap you," I said in a child-ish tone.

"If you don't close your eyes, I'm going to close them for you," he said with his eyebrows raised.

"Try me."

He took his other hand and covered my eyes so I couldn't see. In an instant, I felt something under my feet. He uncovered my eyes and let go of my hand. I gasped and looked around. It was the beach where we took the picture. I so desperately  wanted to go swimming, but I didn't know we were going to go here. I sighed as he turned towards me.

"Hmm," he hummed as to ask a question.

"I would love to go swimming, but I don't have a swimsuit," I told him as if he could do something.

"I can fix that," he said, "B-but only if you want to." I smiled at his kindness, and his stuttering, which wasn't nearly as cute as Chase's.

"Let's do it."

He held up his fingers and snapped them, and I felt colder. I looked down and saw that I was in the swimsuit that I wore from the picture, but it fit perfectly. It was a black and white polka-dot one piece with a sweetheart neckline and strings to hold it up. I looked up and saw that he had the same swim shorts that he had on in the picture, too. I then remembered my clothes. I looked around the sand beside me and found them folded by my feet. I bent down and dug in my jean pockets. I found my knife and grasped it tightly. I let go and set it down in my clothes so nobody can steal it.

 I straightened out and looked at Anti, who was looking in the woods. I turned and ran towards the water. I ran through the water until thigh deep and dove in head first. I swam until I couldn't touch the bottom and bobbed up. I saw Anti sitting with the waves crashing with his feet. I swam up to him and stood next to him, holding out my hand for him to take. He looked at me and smirked while looking back to the water.

"Nope," he said while relaxing on his back.

"Come on, please," I said while crouching next to him.


"Why not?"


"Are you scared of something?"

"I'm not scared of anything, (y/n)," I slumped while standing back up.

"Fine, but when we get back, I'm telling them that you won't go in the water because you're scared."

He sighed and stood up while still looking at the water.


"YAY!!!" I screamed and dove into the water once again.

------TIME SKIP-------

We got back to the sand soaking wet, me feeling energized, but Anti shivering and holding his forearms, rubbing them with his hands and just overall, scrunched up from how cold Lake Superior is. I was used to it, but I didn't think he was.

"First, how are we getting back, and second, how are we going to get changed and dried," I asked him. He said nothing but snapped his fingers and I was in my clothes again, along with him. He said nothing as he held out his hand. I took it and we were back in Chase's house. I looked around to find Chase and he was in the dining room....

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