My Backstory

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 I sat at the dining table looking at a picture of me and my mother on the beach in Washburn, WI. If you didn't know, I grew up in the US, to be more specific, Wisconsin. (yes, I broke the fourth wall. Sorry not sorry.) As I was looking at my mother's sweet, kind, beautiful face, I started to cry out of grief, sadness, and anger. I didn't notice Chase was coming down the stairs with black sweatpants with the navy symbol and 'NAVY' on the left pant leg, and his snapback on. Yep, he has no shirt on once again!

"Um... Chase?"


"Who puts a hat on, but no shirt," I asked him while my face was heating up from me trying not to look at his bare chest. He looks down and starts to blush pretty hard. To be honest, he's adorable when he blushes.

"I-um.. uh, I-I-"

"It was just a question, Chase," I cut him off from further tripping on his words. I resist the burning urge to go up and hug him right now, I really need it right now.

"Do you want me to put on a shirt," he asks while still blushing hard.

"Do you know where I work, Chase," I ask while smirking.

"No I don't, actually."

"I work as a range at a park where men don't give a shit about putting on a shirt and women basically are wearing a swimsuit as clothes. And not the one pieces, the bikinis that are two sizes too small. So I'm used to it."

He stared at me like I was lying. And to be honest, I kind of was. He was about to say something, when Schneep came down the stairs. He was wearing baggy sweatpants with a gray t-shirt and glasses.

I'm not going to do his accent anymore. Imagination Time!

"What are you guys talking about," Schneep says as he sits next to me.

I look at Chase with a 'who should tell him' look. He sighed, turned to Schneep and started to retell the conversation. I looked once more at the picture and my emotions hit me like getting hit by Mike Tyson. I tried to hold all of my tears in, but it didn't work. A few left my eyes, and Schneep saw. My hands were shaking and my lip quivered into a frown as the tears fell onto the glass framing it. I was enveloped in a hug by Chase and Schneep, and for once in my life after my mother died, I felt safe. I didn't stop my sobs as they comforted me. I calmed down after a while and they let go of me. I wiped my eyes and my cheeks as well.

"Why were you crying, (y/n)," Chase asked, worrying about me.

"You may want to sit down, my backstory is pretty long and sad," I said while flipping the picture over to not cry at the sight of my mother. He sat down across from me and I took a deep breath.

"My mother met my father when she was 16. He loved her very much, so when they graduated high school and college, they got married as quickly as possible. They didn't have a regular wedding, they got married at the courthouse, which my father said it was, 'the fastest way to get married.'

"A year after they got married, they decided to have a child. And they had me. But my father wanted a boy, not a girl because he said they are, 'weak and insecure about themselves and only think about themselves.'

"After I was born, my father started beating my mother, but thankfully, it only was verbally and locking her out of the house. When I was five, my father started actually beating her, and she had to clean up after him. When she started to get beated, my father started to drink heavily. And when I mean heavily, I mean HEAVILY. He used to drink a thirty pack in one day.

"When I was thirteen, my father did the most horrible thing in the world," I stopped for a moment to try not to imagine that night. I started to shake as tears pricked my eyes. Chase got up and sat next to me with an extra chair.

"Take your time, (y/n). We don't want you overworked at 10 am," Chase said as he hugged me. He let go and I took a deep breath, which always helped with things like this.

"My mother came home from the hospital where she worked and I was in my room listening to some old music," I said with a sad smile.

"How old," Schneep asked me.

"Hmmmm.... Well, I listened to Blue Suede, Billy Joel, Alice in Chains, Guns n' Roses, AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Kansas, Ozzy Ozbourne, Alice Cooper, Silver Chair, John Lee Hooker, etc. that night. That old enough," I asked with a smile. I knew they were old to me, and we were probably the same age. He looked slightly shocked at what I listened to at a young age.

"Proceed," he said, still with shock in his eyes.

"I didn't have my music up too loud, otherwise I would get beat myself, so when I heard yelling, I paused the music and went to the living room to see what was going on. I peeked around the corner and saw my father with his back to me and my mother with tears streaming down her cheeks pleading for my father not to do something. I watched as my father pulled out a knife from his pocket," I took another deep breath and got up from my seat. Chase and Schneep's eyes followed me as I walked to my bag. I couldn't go on with the story until I got the knife.

I got to my bag and pulled out the pocket knife from my hoodie that I had on from the day that I met Anti and made him pretty mad. I gulped and held it tight in my hand, avoiding the button so I didn't cut my hand. I walked back to the two men that actually care about me. I sat back down and held the knife in the air so they could see it. I set it on the table and continued my story.

"My father pulled this knife out of his pocket and stabbed my mother in the stomach. He kept stabbing her. In the stomach, the chest, the legs, the arms, but they weren't stabs that kill you, they were torture stabs. Like the ones that you stapled, Schneep," I turned to him and looked at him with glossy eyes. He stayed silent, but his eyes said, 'I swear, if I find your father or the person who did that to you, I WILL KILL THEM!' I turned back to the picture and the knife and flipped the picture over so they could see her, once happy, now dead because of an abusive, psychopathic father.

"I saw that, then I saw the actual murder. My mother was still alive after all of that, and my father didn't want her to be, so he lined up the knife to her forehead and plunged it in her skull.

"I was so afraid that it would happen to me, so I ran to my room and locked it until nightfall. I packed everything that I could up in my camping backpack-" I motioned towards my bag "- and went to my father's room. I only wanted two things from that room: Mother's last truly happy picture, and the knife that killed her," I paused so they could say something, but they stayed silent, so I proceeded.

"Thankfully my father was asleep, but the weird thing was... he was sleeping with my dead mother. I didn't think anything of it at the time, so I got my stuff and went from that horrible man. And after I left, they caught him because I gave them the knife with dried blood and his fingerprints on it. He's still in prison to the day, and I hop he dies there."

I looked at Chase, his eyes were tearing up and they said, 'I'm so sorry that happened.' I looked over to Schneep, and his eyes were the same. I gave both of them hugs and got up to go take a walk. I went to my bag and pulled clothes out so I could change in the bathroom. I got to the bathroom and changed my clothes and just stood there, in front of the mirror, just looking at myself. I snapped out of it and opened the door to see...

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