chapter 7

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Louis POV

I open my eyes to the smell of pancakes cooking on a pan. I turn to look at Harry but he's already up. I walk into the kitchen and see Harry and his mom cooking pancakes and sausages. "Good morning" I say rubbing Harrys hair. "Oh goodmorning, we made pancakes and sausages for breakfast!" "Mmmmm" I said breathing in the scent of morning breakfast. I grabbed the plates and helped them set the table. We all sit down at the table. Harry fills my glass with fresh orange juice.

Harry flops a couple pancakes onto his plate and starts to butter them. I grab myself some pancakes and some sausages. "Pass the syrup?" I asked Harry. He passes the syrup to me and I pour it onto my pancakes.

"So you guys are sure about this?" Harrys mom asks "What do you mean?" Harry asks her with a puzzled look on his face. "Are you guys sure that you're gay and already ready to date?" his mom asked. "Well yeah Louis means the world to me and I never want to lose him" Harry said as I start to blush.

After we finished breakfast we were getting ready to leave. "We are going to leave now mom." Harry said "Okay love you and be safe" Anne said as she kissed his cheek. We opened the front door and hopped into Harrys car.

Harry POV

As my hands are on the cold steering wheel, I can feel Louis' eyes on me. I look over "Yes Lou?" I ask smiling. "Haz does your mom like me?" Louis asked nervously. "Yeah she does when we were making breakfast this morning she said she really likes you and shes happy for us." I said as I saw relief in Louis' eyes.

"C'mon let's go to the bar for a bit" I said as we got into town. "Okay!" Louis said excitedly. We pull into the parking lot of the bar. We both get out. I open the bar door for Louis. "What a gentle men you are" He said punching my arm jokiingly as I laughed. We drank for a bit until we wanted to dance. "Let's go dance Lou!" I said half drunk. "Okaaeyy" Louis answered with his drunk words.

We were dancing for a bit untill Louis had to go to the washroom. I guy came up to me and pulled me on the dancefloor. "Are you gay, cause you're very good looking" He said slurring his words. "Y-yeah I am buuut i'm with someone." I answered. The guy pulled my head and started to kiss me.

Louis POV

I walk out of the washroom and see Harry kissing another guy. "What the fuck?" I ask myself loud enough for him to hear. I know I'm drunk but am I seeing right? They pulled back. Harry comes rushing up to me. "Boo bear, it-it's not what it looks like I swear!" Harry said grabbing my arm. "No! It's exactly what it looks like" I just pulled my arm back violently and ran out of the bar. I guess I'll just run home.

I get inside and noticed Harry wasn't following me back home. I jump into bed thinking he will be home soon.

Harry POV

I take out the keys to my car and jump in. I turn the ignition and drive away fast trying to get back to Louis to explain. As I pull out into a street and huge transport comes and hits the side of my car.


Next thing I know I'm laying on the pavement and see red and blue flashing lights. The ambulance puts me onto a stretcher and  puts me inside the vehicle. I fall asleep.

I wake up in a hospital room. What time is it anyways? 12:43pm? How am I supposed to explain this to Louis. I'm really worried about him. The nurse walks in. "How you feeling?" She asks kindly. "Sore" I answer. I get up to go to the washroom. When I'm done I look at myself in the mirror. Wow It's worse than I thought I was. I got 2 black eyes, a fat lip, a cut through my eyebrow and scrapes and bruises everywhere. I wash my hands and leave the washroom.

I go back and lay in the bed. "Can I use the phone please?" I ask. "Not at the moment we're taking you for some tests" The nurse said. How is Louis supposed to find out?

Louis POV

I wake up looking beside me confidently that Harry will be there. Nope. Not there. I walk downstairs thinking he's making be breakfast again. Nope once again. Where the hell could he be? He's probably out with that dick guy that kissed him. I don't think Harry even likes me anymore. I need a break from all this crap. I need to leave.

I go back upstairs to pack my bag. I get a taxi to the airport. Where am I supposed to go? The taxi arrives at the airport. I get out with my luggage. "One ticket to umm...New York? I said questioning myself. The person prints me a ticket to New York and hands it to me. "Your flight leaves in a half hour" She said.

I go and sit down  on a chair waiting for my flight to be called. I fall asleep untill I feel a nudge on my arm. I open my arms and see a guy sitting beside me. "You're going to New York right? Well our flight is leaving in 3 minutes" He said pulling me up from the chair. "Oh wow thankyou for waking me up or I would have missed it!" I said as we both ran to the airplane. The flight attendant helped both of us on the plane and we took off.

I'm a bit nervous. I never been on my own in a place I didn't know before. and if Harry finds out he will be mad. He probably already is mad because he didn't come home. I sat in my seat thinking where he could be.

Harry POV

After the tests  I asked the nurse for a phone once again. "Hey now can I use the phone?" She handed me a phone. I dial our house number in hope that Louis will answer. "Hello you reached Harry and Louis' number. Sorry we aren't here but please leave a message and we will get back to you!" I heard our message machine go off. "Hey Lou, it's me Harry. I'm sorry I didn't come home last night you were probably worried sick about me, but I'm in the hospital. I got into a car accident. I'm doing fine, but Lou i'm worried about you and I need someone here with me. If you're there please call me back as soon as possible. Louis I hope you always know I will love you forever" I said leaving a message on the phone.

I hope Louis didn't abandon me. I really do need someone here with me. I can't get through this on my own. I replay a situation in my head.

"Okay love you and be safe" My mom said before we leave. "Be safe".

Those 2 words stuck in my head for  the whole day. I'm only allowed one phone call a day and everyday I'm going to call Louis and if he doesn't answer I'll just leave messages.

He's probably not answering because he's still upset with me. I fall back to sleep in my hard hospital bed and dream of Louis. His perfect eyes, hair and everything. I miss that boy like crazy!

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