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Bum's POV

I sat up to the sound of foot steps walking into the house. I looked up to see that Sangwoo had gotten back from wherever he was.

"Ah, there you are."

He looked at me as I was hiding myself in the corner of the room, chains attached to my ankles.

"What're you doing there?" He asked. I didn't respond to the question seeing there really wasn't a need to.

"I brought you a present. Not sure if you'll like it or not..." He said holding up a black bag. "A garbage bag?"

"Don't worry. It's not actually garbage." He dumps everything that was in the bag, out onto the floor in front of me. "I've only got the stuff I thought you'd need, especially this."

He held up an average sized red dildo. My eyes widened in shock as I leaned forward slightly. "I thought you'd want this the most. It's alittle worn... I guess you've been pretty active?"

"G-Give that back!" I exclaimed as I tried reaching for the toy.

"Look at the veins on this thing. Where do you even find this stuff..." He said, examining the tool. "Give it back, Sangwoo!"

"Haha, have you ever even had sex?" I stopped reaching out for the object and gave in. Then he threw a bra at my face.

"Present number 2. You're more perverted than I thought. It cant be your girlfriend's after all.."

I stared down at the bra, parting my lips before speaking up. "It's Ae-jun's..."

"You're fucking with me. Did you guys sleep together?" He asked, grabbing the bra from the floor. "Not.. quite. She spent the night once! That's when I had the house to myself. She slept next to me. But had to rush out early the next morning because her brother was furious." I said, letting out a sigh.

"You actually slept next to her? She didn't sleep with her bra on? That's- she doesn't even need a bra!" He started to laugh.

"It may seem like she doesn't but- under all her baggy clothing she has a body any girl would kill to have, besides the no breasts part, there's still something there.. Either way I don't think that matters she's still beautiful the way she i-"

He gripped my face tightly and pulled me closer to his, staring into my eyes. "Are you saying you saw her naked too? I'm getting hard just thinking about it." He chuckled.

"No.. I didn't. She just wore shorts and a tank top to sleep.."

He released me and stood up. "Tch, such a tease. I got one more present for you."


Few days Later

Ae-jun's PoV

"Achoo!" I groaned in annoyance as I made my way through the town, looking at the different stores I walked by. "Shoes...shoes.. shoes.." I needed to get myself a new pair of shoes.

I was hoping to get myself one of those platform sneakers I've seen online. Now that I thought about it, I should've just ordered them online.

"Ugh! I'm such an idiot.." I stopped in my tracks, feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket. It was Sangwoo calling.

"Wha-?!" I almost panicked but kept my cool since I was out in public. I quickly answered the phone.


"Hey it's Sangwoo, listen. I wanted to know
If you're free tomorrow night?"

"Free? Yes I think so."

"Good, there's this festival I'll be performing at
You should come by."

"Is Bum going to be there?"


"Is he with you right now?
I'd like to talk with him."

"He's currently taking a- mmf!"

A nap.."

"Oh okay well I guess I'll see you
both tomorrow night then..."

"See you soon."

I hung up the phone, squeezing it tightly in my grip. What game is he playing at? Asking someone like me.. to watch his performance? Something's up.

I sighed and turned on my heels, heading back home.


Once I had arrived home, my brother was already cooking up something to eat. "You're back early. Something happened?" He asked.

"Uh no. I decided to just.. order the shoes online. But now I need to order something to wear too.." I plopped onto the couch, scrolling through the online stores and see what would be okay to wear for tomorrow night.

"To wear? Is it a date?" He asked. "What?! No! Gross.. it's a festival. Someone invited me to come see them perform and also Bum will be there so it's a win win for me." I smiled.

"Ah, that festival. Well don't stay out too late and if you're spending the night at someone's house, text me before you arrive there and I'm gonna need the address too." He said. I could hear the seriousness in his voice.

"Fine fine... Text before I arrive and address. Got it." I rolled my eyes as I ordered some clothes that will arrive tomorrow just in time along with the shoes I wanted.

"So who invited you?" He asked.

I brought my phone up to my face, covering my nose and mouth with it as I looked at him. I quietly mumbled. "Sangwoo..."

He dropped his fork and glared at me. "You're not going." He said.

"Come on please! It's my first time getting to hang out with people. Besides, he has a girlfriend and I just really want to see Bum!" I said, whining.

He sighed, bringing his head back. "Fine! But stay away, and I mean away from Sangwoo. He gives me bad vibes." He scrunched his nose and went back to cooking.

"That's because you two have been bickering with one another since elementary school. It's ridiculous. I'm surprised none of you are dead yet over this stupid rivalry. Don't drag me into it." I said, getting up off the couch and heading upstairs.

"He's a douche!" He screams, seeing that I left. "You are too!~"

I closed my room door and jumped into my bed. I took off my glasses, resting it on the side table, next to a picture of my mother, smiling.

"I miss you..." I mumbled as I ran my thumb over the frame of the picture. "Wish you'd come back..I've grown up mom! I'm..I'm a big girl now.." tears started forming, making my vision quite blurred.

"Everything..everything is okay...it's okay.." I closed my eyes, turning my head away from the picture.

"Everything's going okay..." I whispered.


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