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I stood in front of my mirror nervously as I stared at the outfit I had on. The one I ordered from online. The shoes boosted my height just by two inches, followed by black, thigh high socks. Under the socks were fish nets that begins showing from where the thigh highs open and where my shorts ends.

Blue, high waisted shorts and to top it all off, a grey oversized hoodie and underneath that, a black laced bra.

As for my face. Glasses and my hair up in it's usual loose ponytail. I was comfortable and that's all that matters.

"Hey, you ready?" My brother asked as he walked into my room. "Yes.." I said awkwardly.

"No you aren't. What the hell is this?" He pointed out the glasses and my hair in a ponytail. He took off my glasses and took the band out of my hair, letting it fall to my shoulders. He ruffled my hair and stepped back, taking a look at me.

"Go get your contacts in then I'll drop you off at the event. Make sure you bring your bag, have what you need packed in it."

I nodded and smiled at him. "Thank you.." I said. He nodded and left the room.

I quickly did everything he told me to do.

I walked out of the house, locking the door behind me. I climbed into his car and we headed on our way.


When I arrived to the event, my brother waved me off and left right after.

I pressed my lips together slightly as I look around to see others heading inside so I decided to do that aswell.

Upon entering the large room filled with people I couldn't help but feel like the odd one out. Party's were never really my thing but I was asked to be here so I have to suck it up.

There were four girls up on stage doing a performance which had me in awe because their outfits was just so amazing.

"Such.. revealing outfits.." I said to myself.

I pushed my way up to the front of the crowd, accidentally stepping on a few toes but apologizing afterwards. "Sorry! Sorry.. excuse me! sorry.."

I let out a sigh of relief when I made it to the front but as soon as I got there, their performance ended.

The one girl with bunny ears on stage, winked and blew me a kiss before leaving the stage. "Oh wow..." I smiled as I watched her work her way off stage.

I clapped for the group as they left. Atleast I got to see them perform. It was amazing.

"The next performance is 'Sometimes', sing by a duo. The student Min Ji Eun and Oh Sangwoo."

"Wha-" I watched as a really beautiful girl walk out onto the stage with the cutest outfit ever. It really did compliment her body and as for me on the other hand, oversized hoodies doesn't do the job.

My eyes landed on Sangwoo.

"Holy.." His hair slicked back. The black turtle neck he wore and the red blazer and red suited pants.

Could this guy get any more handsome?!

While the crowd cheered for them both, I stood there  quietly, not sure how to react to this. That wasn't the same girl he was making out with that day.

Was this his new girlfriend?

I listened to them both as they sang the song together. "So... talented..."

I wondered if he could see me in this crowd or did he even recognized me? While he sang, he did look at me from time to time but that was probably because I was part of the front row.

When he looked at the girl, he would smile at her a genuine smile. Was she the one for him? They did look perfect together up there.

I looked away from them both and pushed my way to the back of the crowd where there were less people.

I paused in my track as I noticed a familiar guy in crutches. Tears pouring out of his eyes as he watched Sangwoo performed.

"Bum..?" I said softly.

I quickly made my way over to him and engulfed him into a big hug. "Bum!"

I pulled away from him, seeing that he was in quite the shock at my sudden action.

"Ae-jun..?!" He looked at me up and down and then smiled widely.

"I'm so glad to see you again.." I said, wiping away his tears. He gave a small smile, pushing into my touch.

"Why are you crying?" I asked. "Uh...it's the song. It's so beautiful and deep." I chuckled slightly and removed my hands from his face. I stepped back to get a good look at him. "What..are those bandages around your neck? Sangwoo told me that you broke your legs not your neck too.."

"I kinda hurt my neck when I fell.. but it's okay, I don't even feel pain in my neck that much anymore."

I sighed in relief and smiled. "Hey..um I need to go to the bathroom, I'm not feeling the crowd right now.." he said.

"Yh I understand that.."

We both made our way to the restroom area where Bum went into the male restroom and I waited outside for him.

"Hey, Ae-jun?"

I whip around to become face to face with Sangwoo. "Oh.." I pressed my lips together nervously. So he did recognized me after all.

"I saw you in the crowd. You stand out the most." He said. I couldn't help but blush in embarrassment. "Uh.. you were really good up there! You and your new girlfriend." I giggled slightly.

"She's not my girlfriend." He said and I slowly nodded awkwardly. "Right."

"So did you get to meet Bum? Finally?" He asked. "Yes! I did though he was crying while you sang. I thought it was adorable how much the song got to him. He's in the bathroom.."

"We're gonna go out after I get him. There's a few people I want you both to meet. I promise they're okay to hang with." He said walking into the bathroom.

"You look great..too" I rolled my eyes and sighed. Don't let him get to you. He's just another guy out to break your heart. He's a player. Keep your walls up, wait for the right person to come around.


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