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When I arrived home, there was a black car, parked outside the gate. I clenched my jaw slightly before making my way up to the door. There was a man in a black suit standing there with his arms behind his back.

"State your name and reason as to why you're here." He said. "Ah- my name is Ae-jun, I live here." I glared at the man.

He stepped aside and I pushed the door open, walking into the house. "Oh, look who's home!" My brother walked up to me, swinging his arm over my shoulder.

"I went to bail you out.." I said.

"With my money?" He glared at me. I immediately looked away from his gaze. "No point getting mad at you right now. We have a visitor." He smiled, leading me into the living room.

There he was. The man I wished to never ever see ever again in my entire life, sitting in the living room on the couch.

Part of me wanted to jump onto him and strangled him to death. Make him beg and scream just like mother did!

"Ae-jun." He said. I stood still, not bothered to say anything to him. He wasn't worth my time anymore.

"Is this some kind of joke?!" I asked, looking over to Min-jun. "Have manners..." He said in a low threatening way.

"I don't want to talk with this man. I don't know him and I don't want to get to know him!" I screamed at my brother, trying my best to hold back my tears.

"Ae-jun, I'm warning you. Talk to him." Min-jun gritted his teeth as he spoke, a sinster look in his eyes. It reminded me of Sangwoo's.

I turned my attention to the man sitting on the couch who only smiled when I look at him. "Father.." I said bitterly. "How's my baby girl?" He asked.

"I'm ok..." I mumbled. "Speak up." Min-jun said. "I'm ok." I said with more energy put behind it. "Dad, I'd like to stay and chat but I have to get going. Thank you for bailing me out!"

Min-jun said as he put on his jacket. "Please don't leave me here alone.." I mumbled to him. He only nudged me off and glared. "He won't do anything, he's a well respected man. Just be nice or you're gonna get it tonight when I'm back." He said, walking out.

The atmosphere of the entire house changed as I was standing at the door. "Ae-jun?"

He spoke. My body started trembling in fear as the memories started to flood my mind once again.


"How about this one?" My father said as he pulled me into a room, filled with different men in business suits.

"Boss, she looks just like you." They all started laughing. I looked up at my father, confused as to what was going on.

"You're right, I guess she does look like me. So. How much will you buy her for?" He asked them, pushing me to the middle of the room.

"Hmm..I'm not sure. She's still a bit too small and the glasses aren't really attractive." One said.

My father took the glasses off of my face, breaking them in his grip.

"I can't see without them.." I said, looking up at him. "Shut up."

I was suddenly grabbed by my ponytail and pulled towards the man in the middle. "Now she's better looking. I'll buy her for 6,000,000 won." He said.

"Not enough."

"Hey. Take her clothes off maybe the price would be higher." Another said.

Before I had the chance to speak up, another man talked over me. "Let her do it herself."

I stood there quietly as they all watched me. Waiting for me to take off my clothes to please them. I didn't. I didn't want to do it. I started to cry in the middle of the room with my head hung down.

"This is ridiculous."

My dress was pulled off of me by my father and I was pushed down onto my knees and placed between one of the men's legs.

"Pleasure him!" He shouted. I flinched at the sound of his voice. "I- I don't know what you mean..." I said, trembling.

The man grabbed my wrist, placing my hand on his crotch area. "Suck me off of course!"

I pulled my hand away and ran up to my father. "I can't do that! This doesn't feel right... Father please-"

I was slapped in the face by him, falling onto my side, tears streaming down my face. "I told you not to call me that at work!"

"Shes your daughter? Hehe boss that's kinda fucked up. Even I wouldn't put mines up for sale. That's cruel." One said and the others started laughing.

He held a pissed expression on his face as he stared down at me. "You dare embarrass me at work.."

Before he could struck me again, my mother barged in, yelling at him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She ran up to me, covering me up with a towel. She picked me up and glared at him. "You sick son of a bitch. I want all your shit packed when you get home. I want you out of there, far away from us. You monster!" She picked up my dress and stomped out of the room with me in her hands.

I was only 8.



I flinched, hearing him call my name again. I turned around, seeing him standing in the living room entrance.

"You cannot stay here..." I started in a whisper. "What?"

"YOU CANNOT STAY HERE!" I shouted at him. "Ah.. so you remembered." He said, walking towards me.

I gripped onto my phone tightly as the screen turned on.

"Of course I do..you did horrible things to me. Why..?" I asked. "I thought it was obvious. You're not mines. You're not my child, I could do anything to you." He said, devilishly smiling down at me.

"I- I'm not your daughter..?" I asked.

"No, your whore of a mother felt the need to sleep around with one of my workers. When I found out I had the poor bastard killed. I would've killed you too while you were swimming around in your mother's womb but I had my plans set out for you."

He twirled his fingers in my hair. I slapped his hand away, glaring. "Mm a fighter. Finally standing up for yourself?"

"Just leave..leave me alone.." I had my head hung down, looking at my phone that had been on a call with Seungbae the entire time.

When he noticed this he gripped my neck tightly, pinning me to the ground. "You smart little bitch!" He grabbed the phone, throwing it into the wall.

Before anything else happened, he was grabbed off of me and pushed up against a wall with his arms behind his back by a police officer. The front door was open and I could see Seungbae, handcuffing the man who was outside the door standing guard.

"You bitch! My men will hunt you down and have their way with you and then kill you!" My father yelled as he was being pushed out through the door.

I bit down on onto my trembling lip, staring at the floor as tears fell from my eyes.

"Everything's okay now. We'll have him put away for
a long time, he'll have no contact to anyone outside the prison. No one will hurt you. I promise." Seungbae said, squatting down in front of me. I looked up at him, giving him a weak smile. "T-thank you..." I whispered.

He brought his hand up, petting my head lightly. He leaned forward, pulling me gently towards him and giving me a warm hug. "You're safe." He said.

I wish I could believe you..


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