Chapter 4 - Snake!

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"This can't be right" Noah looked forward with a confused expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"I've been to the forbidden forest before and I do not remember a waterfall this early on my journey, I think this compass is broken" Noah explains examining the compass.

"What? Can't be I just got that, let me see" I take the compass from Noah.

"Looks as if someone casted a spell upon it" I explain.

"A spell? I believe while I was incarcerated asking you, what are you people?" Noah freaked out.

"I'm a wizard, my school Royale High teaches us all about this stuff, my fairy, well ex-fairy taught me how to see who casted a spell on what?"

"You can do that?" Ellis asked.

"You seem tense" Noah said to him.

"I'm not tense" Ellis retorted.

"Yes I can see, now shush" I demanded. I pulled out my wand and casted a neutral spell.

"Wizard of Water and Ice, show me who jinxed this compass" I cast the spell on the compass. A cloud appeared with a clip of Ellis, seems to be casting a spell on the wand.

"Ellis what, what were you doing? What did you do?" I question him

"I thought I casted the good luck charm on the compass! Seems as if I'm still a bit blurred on the spells" He frowns.

"We just spent 5 hours traveling over here! we have to turn around?!" I groan. "How long will it take to get there from here?" I ask Noah.

"If there are no obstacles along the way, it should take a solid 3 days, if there are probably a week" he said flatly.

"A week?! I only have 5 days! What type of obstacles."

"Oh Princess, with all your learning in Royale High you would think they'd teach you about mythical creatures" he sneered.

"This is not the time for your judgments right now!" I glare.

"Okay Okay, one of the reasons I decided never to go back is because of all the creatures I had to get pass, Ogres, anacondas, really big pandas, humongous insects. The Forbidden Forest is really dangerous to get to. I should've asked for more than 1000 pounds, but I could've seen you were desperate."

"Whatever, look we've wasted enough time. I think I have enough power to get us back to the village." I explain. "Come on, hold hands" I hold Ellis and Noah's hand. "Wizard of water and ice,Parte mas piso sto chorio!" I declare. A blue ladder appears in front of us and we all climb it. As we go up, the world mirrors and we end up coming back down by the village. "Well you just saved 5 hours off the clock" Noah laughed. "That took a big chunk of me, I need a little nap" I complain. "Are you extremely tired?" Noah asks. "I wouldn't say extremely, but it's imperative that I get my 10 hours of beauty sleep" "Come on" Noah rolled his eyes. 


We continue traveling for the next 3 hours before I lose all the strength I had. "Okay, now I'm extremely tired" I complain.

 "We've traveled far enough, I guess we can take a break" Noah allows.

"Oh Thank God" I exclaim and watch as Noah lay down a few leaves. I watch as he rests on the ground. 

"What are you waiting for?" he asks. 

"For you to make my bed, duh" I giggle. 

"Excuse me? Your boyfriend is over there, awfully quiet, Goodnight." he turns over to go sleep.


"Snake!" I fly up from Noah's sudden outburst. I witness a gigantic anaconda attacking Noah, I quickly pull out my wand. "Wizard of water and ice, Válte éna xórki sto chéri tou Nóe" I cast a spell that placed an ice sword in Noah's hand. I watch as Noah climbs up the tree with the snake slithering around the tree. When they reach the top Noah took the sword, jumped on the snake's head and slide down using the sword which he impaled on the snake. When we reached the ground the snake tumbled to the floor, taking the tree with it.

"That was incredible" I tell Noah.

"Well being on your own all these years, you learn how to defend yourself, especially when you're adventurous. Come on, we already lost enough time." Noah led me and Ellis. We continue walking down the forest for another 3 hours until we come across an injured rabbit. "The poor rabbit is hurt" Noah frowned.

"So what, it's not affecting us?" I said.

"So just because we're not the ones feeling the pain we shouldn't care?" Noah asked.

"Duh! It's like a total waste of time worrying about other people" I explain.

"You see, that's where you're wrong." Noah disagreed and went to help the little bunny. He grabbed a leave and some grass shedding. He tied the grass together to make them longer, then tied the leave to the bunny's wound using the grass. He then picked a few berries off the tree to feed to the bunny.

"There you go little guy" He said feeding the bunny, and I can't help but smile at the sweet gesture. I guess Noah could feel me smiling at him because he turned around and smiled back.

"Well, time to get moving!" Ellis pushed passed me and Noah.

"Right" I chuckle.


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