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Zach Herrons POV

"She's always over at his house, she's fine." Jonah mumbled as I kept my gaze on my phone.

"She was acting weird after she went to his house last time. I'm worried for her." I mumble as I run my hand through my hair.

"Dude, they got in a fight. Chloe is fine and you need to stop worrying about her." Jonah mumbled as he shook his head.

"Maybe I should go to his house and check on her." I whisper as I keep my gaze on my phone.

"Zach! Chloe is fine. She can take care of herself." Jonah said to me as I sigh.

"You are right, I'm just crazy." I mumble as I set my phone down.

Chloe seemed a little off last time she was with Chase. I was still worried about her but Jonah was right, I can't assume that she needs help. I watched a stupid movie with Jonah when my phone started vibrating. I look at the caller ID and see that it's Chloe.

"Hello?" I mumble through the phone.

"Hi. Umm Zac..... Zach. Can you uhhh pic...pic...pick me up at Chases house." Chloe stuttered through the phone.

"Why? What's wrong." I ask her as my mind fills with worry.

"Just please pick me up now." She whispered as I sensed fear in her voice.

"I'm on my way now." I say as I hang up the phone.

"She called me to pick her up and she sounded scared." I tell Jonah as I grab the keys to her car.

"You want me to come with you?" Jonah asks me as I shake my head.

"I can do this alone." I mumble as I walk out the door.

Why would Chloe not get a ride home from Chase?

This all wasn't making any sense to me but she seemed scared. I started the car and realized I had no clue where chase lived.

I called Chloe again and she picked up.

"What's his address?" I ask her.

"It's uhh... 4456 Coldblue lane." She whispered as I heard her sniffle.

Was she crying?

"Thanks. I'm coming as fast as I can." I whisper as I start speeding to the address she game me.

The car was dead silent as I drove to the address. I knew something was wrong with her but I still don't understand what it is.

I pulled into the driveway and there she was sitting on the curb. Her makeup was all smeared and her eyes were red. I hop out of the car and slowly approach her.

"What happened?" I ask her as I take in her appearance.

"Talk later. Leave now." She mumbles as she stands up. She wipes away her tears as she hops in the passenger seat.

"Where's chase?" I ask her as I look around the front yard.

"Inside." She whispers softly.

"Did you guys fight again?" I ask her as she nods her head.

I slowly pull out of the driveway and make my way to my house.

I kept glancing at Chloe and I noticed her face had a red mark on it.

"Did chase hurt you?" I ask her softly.

She looks away from me and shakes her head.

"Hey. You know you can tell me the truth." I whisper.

I grab her arm softly as she winces in pain.

I pull my hand away and look at her sweatshirt. It was hot outside, why was she wearing a sweatshirt? She had worn it all day but I hadn't thought anything of it.

"You can tell me what happened." I whisper as she keeps looking away from me.
Zach it's not hard to figure out what's wrong Idiot 🤡

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