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Third person

The popcorn beeped and Chloe walked over and got it out. Why was she feeling weird when she thought about Zach? Why wasn't she feeling special around Chase?

"Popcorn ready?" Chase asked Chloe as he walked into the kitchen.

Chloe snapped out of her head and looked up at Chase.

"Uh yeah it's ready." She mumbled as she put it in the bowl.

"What wrong?" Chase asked her as he noticed she seemed distant.

"Nothing. I was just lost in thought." She replied as Chase stared at her.

"About what?" He asks her.

"Nothing." She replied.

"Come on. I don't want to keep secrets between us?" Chase said as he grabbed her hand.

"I can't tell you." She mumbled.

"Why not?" He asked her.

"Cause you will hit me if I tell you." She replies.

"I said I wouldn't do that ever again." He replied as he pulled the blonde girl into his embrace.

"I was thinking about Zach. He texted me and I just thought about how good of a friend he is." Chloe said to him.

Chase took a deep breath.

"Okay." He replied.

He grabbed her hand and led her back into the living room. They both sat down on the couch and Chloe cuddled into his arms.

"Crap I forgot my phone on the counter." Chloe said as she started to get up.

"No worries. I can get it." Chase said as he got up.

Chase walked into the kitchen and saw chloes phone. His curiosity got the best of him when he saw her phone light up. He saw that it was a text from Zach.

"You are the best, can't wait to see you tonight 💖💖." Chase read as he stared at her phone.

Chases mind filled with questions. She was going to see him tonight. He thought she was gonna spend the night at his place. Why was she thinking about Zach earlier? What were they going to do tonight? He took a deep breath and stepped away from her phone. He grabbed a glass of water and took a sip. She could just be seeing him since they are friends. Don't overthink it. Then her phone lit up again. Chase glanced down at the phone.

"Corbyn is leaving so we will be alone!" Chase read.

Alone. Zach wanted to be with her alone so he could make his move.

"What's taking so long?" Chloe asked as she walked into the kitchen.

She saw chase staring at her phone. He looked upset and he was tightly gripping his glass of water.

"Why is Zach texting you about you coming over tonight and you being all alone?" Chase asked her. Chloe could sense the anger in his voice and she felt fear enter her body.

"Uh. He wanted me to come over because Corbyn was annoying him so he's probably just happy Corbyn is gonna he gone." Chloe replied as her voice was shaky.

"Thats bullshit! He wants you alone so he can steal you from me. He's gonna make his move and you are gonna pick him over me!" Chase shouted.

"I already chose you chase! I didn't pick Zach!" Chloe yelled back.

"Why were you thinking about him earlier then?" Chase asked her.

She froze. She didn't know how to respond. She didn't really know why she was thinking about him.

"See you can't even fucking answer that question! You were probably thinking about how you are gonna leave me for him!" Chase said as he picked up his glass of water.

"I never said I was gonna leave you." Chloe said back.

"You didn't have to. Zach said it all for you." Chase said sharply.

Chloe stared at him. He looked scary. This wasn't the chase she loved.

"You know what. Maybe this whole thing has just showed me what a real asshole you are." Chloe said sharply.

"I'm the asshole. You are the slut who is banging your best friend!" Chase yelled.

Chloe felt tears fall down her face. He thought she was a slut.

"Fuck you chase." She said as she grabbed her phone.

Chloe didn't have time to react as she felt something sharp hit her back. She stumbled onto the ground as she felt something stab into her back. Pieces of glass laid all over the floor and on her body.

"You threw a fucking cup at me!" She screamed as chase just stared at her.

She felt blood on her back and hands as she tried to stand up.

Ouch 😣

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