Part II

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Hinata's POV

     The volleyballs repeatedly slammed into the ground, creating a rhythm from the tosses and spikes Kageyama and Hinata hit.

     "Hey, you're not jumping at full power. That's enough for today." Kageyama grabbed the ball instead of setting it.

     "One more!" Hinata reset his run. He motioned for Kageyama to throw him the ball again. The last few had been sloppy but Hinata knew it wasn't his fault. Kageyama's seemed preoccupied with his own thoughts, dishevelled and on edge. And that wasn't helping Hinata stay focused either. 

     "One more." Kageyama relented. He threw the ball back to Hinata. Hinata arched the ball up, throwing himself into a run. He ignored the aching in his legs and his shortness of breath. He wasn't going to lose. Kageyama set his toss down to the centimetre with precision. Hinata's hand slammed into it, and the ball ricocheted off the floor.

     Hinata loved that feeling of the ball sloshing into his hand and flying onto the other court. And when he glanced at Kageyama's face, he knew the setter felt the same way. It felt otherworldly. 

     "Alright." Kageyama took a swing from his water bottle. "Let's clean up."

     Hinata darted around the gym, grabbing stray volleyballs. Kageyama pushed open the gym doors to let some air in.

     "Hey, it's cold!" Hinata stood on the edge of the gym floor and the doorway. He lifted his arms up and leaned outside, savouring the wind. Sweat dripped down his forehead. Kageyama joined him, leaning against the doorframe. They breathed in the cold air, both still trying to catch their breath. Hinata glanced at the setter, wondering again. 

     About a year ago, Kageyama had been confessed to by a cute girl with braids and hopeful eyes. Hinata remembered Tanaka and Noya teasing him about it relentlessly after Kageyama had turned her down gently. She had still cried, and it made Hinata wonder. Was Kageyama worth crying over? He seemed dense and had a one track mind for volleyball and volleyball only. 

     Hinata had shrugged it off initially but when another girl confessed and Kageyama steadily turned her down, Hinata started to wonder what the girls saw in Kageyama. Yeah, Hinata would admit Kageyama was relatively good-looking when he wasn't scowling (so never), and he did care a lot about anything that was important to him. Like the club, anything to do with volleyball, and his family. 

     Slowly, stupidly and a little bit unconsciously, Hinata had seen why girls were attracted to him. As he and Kageyama spent hours playing volleyball together, cramming for tests they were sure to fail and visiting other schools undercover, he saw it. Kageyama was an idiot, but a pretty, driven, and kinda endearing idiot. And Hinata wanted to simultaneously kill himself and the setter for being so stupid.

     Turned out, Hinata didn't have to. A month ago Kageyama had been asked out. And he said yes. 

Kage's POV

     "Put on your jacket," Kageyama closed the gym doors and the cold wind abruptly stopped. "Or else you'll catch a cold." Hinata bound over to the edge of the stage where Yachi had left the two dark volleyball club jackets and grabbed the top one. Kageyama watched Hinata put his arms in the sleeves and frown when he realized it was too big.

     "That's mine." Kageyama pointed out the obvious. His brain had short-circuited for a second.

     "Oh, you're right." Hinata's hands were obscured by the big sleeves and the end of the jacket came down to the middle of his thighs. He was drowning in the fabric. Hinata took off towards the broom closet.

     "Boke, I want my jacket." Kageyama grabbed the other jacket on the stage. But he wasn't cold. He felt uncomfortably hot. "Wear your own."

     "Can I wear it for a little?" Hinata asked. He hiked up the sleeves to grab a mop and start washing the floors. The sleeves bunched on his wrists, covering most of his hands. "I like yours because it's super comfy!"

     The way it fit Hinata reminded Kageyama of the way girls wore their boyfriends' shirts or jackets. Always a little too big and a little too much. Kageyama felt blood rushing to his face at that stupid idea. Maybe it was a good thing he didn't have his jacket on.

     Hinata threw him a mop. "Besides you're never cold."

     "Fine," Kageyama found himself saying. "For now."

     For now turned into a few minutes. And then a day. And then two days. And then Kageyama lost track. Suga had raised his eyebrow at Hinata's new apparel, but no one else seemed to have noticed.

     "Hey, where's your jacket King?" And then Tsukki brought it up.

     "Hinata has it." Kageyama pulled on his shoes in the club room. Just then, Hinata bounded in, the oversized jacket flapping around him.

     "I know that." Tsukki rolled his eyes. "But why. I thought you weren't into being all public about it." Yamaguchi elbowed him. And said something about not teasing him and Hinata. Tsukki smirked.

     What? Public about what? Probably something Tsukki had made up to annoy him. Hinata absentmindedly talked to Tanaka while Kageyama stole a glance. The way Hinata talked was so animated it was distracting. Almost captivating. He used his hands, and his face, and of course his signature sound effects. Kageyama offhandedly shrugged at Tsukki. It was just a jacket. And Hinata was just a boy.

AN: thoughts? if you've read this far, tysm :)

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