Part IV

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Hinata's POV

"Hey, Kageyama." Hinata walked beside his bike on the way home while eating a meat bun. It had been a few days since he had overheard Tsukki and Yamaguchi when they were teasing Kageyama. And Daichi and Suga's conversation about a certain setter and middle blocker in the club room. And something about a bet?

"Yeah?" The setter walked calmly beside him, sipping a milk box. Hinata's heart rate sped up slightly, as it did every time he thought about dating. And Kageyama. Apparently everyone thought they were dating. So thoughts about Kageyama and dating seemed to come hand in hand recently, and constantly.

"Did you know that we're supposedly dating?" Hinata threw it out there. Since people thought they were both dating, he figured Kageyama should also know. He was prepared for Kageyama to start swinging at his head or yell.

"Yeah." Kageyama didn't miss a beat.

"What?" Hinata stared at him, confused as heck.

Kageyama laughed harshly for a second. "Supposedly."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hinata huffed.

"Well, Suga told me to take you to see that new movie, about aliens. Noya told me to kiss you more because you looked down although I thought that was a joke. And Stingyshima. He keeps giving me weird looks and asked me why there was a bruise on your neck." Kageyama said placidly.

Hinata touched his neck self consciously. He had fallen asleep on his deck at home and slammed forwards into some books. It never occurred to him it looked suspicious.

"Oh," Hinata said in a small voice.

"Everyone thinks we're dating." Kageyama said like he was reciting a fact. Into the open wind.

"Yeah." Hinata has started this conversation, but he had lost all control. He had thought Kageyama wouldn't have noticed it at all. Or cared. "What about that girl you went out with?"

"Oh her? We didn't mesh on the first date." Kageyama said plainly, as if Hinata hadn't lost sleep over it. Or as if a huge pile of rubble had just been lifted off Hinata's chest. Kageyama sipped his milk.

They fell into a weird silence for a few beats.

"Well, what did you tell them?" Hinata asked, suddenly curious.

"Huh?" Kageyama was caught off guard.

"Did you deny us dating?" Hinata asked. "To the club?"

"I didn't say anything." Kageyama mumbled.

"What?" Hinata was surprised. Kageyama hadn't raged about the idea of dating him? Or dating a guy?

"I was weirded out."

"Oh. Well, Daichi said he was sorry he forced me to give up your jacket, and Yamaguchi asked me who had confessed." Hinata recounted. Yamaguchi asking about the confession was what convinced him people thought they were seriously dating. Hinata had humoured the idea that pretending Kageyama and him were dating had been an elaborate prank by the club, but Yamaguchi had sounded so serious.

"I said you." Hinata then admitted. He hadn't, in fact, he had freaked out at the very idea of a confession. From him or Kageyama. That was about just as likely as Tsukki hating dinosaurs. Or Oikawa being a human and not an alien.

"HEY!" Kageyama hit Hinata on the head.

"I'm kidding!" Hinata tried in vain to protect himself. Kageyama hit him again.

"Why does everyone think we're dating?" Hinata wondered. They were really good friends, and he supposed they had gotten close, but it wasn't like someone had walked in on them kissing or holding hands. Hinata's face started heating up. Kageyama would never do that. Not even with a girl, much less a guy.

"No clue." Kageyama sounded unsure and sipped his milk again. He seemed way too calm for Hinata. Hinata huffed in frustration.

"Why does everything think Kageyama and I are dating?" Hinata asked the club room the next day before Kageyama got there.

"What? You're not?" Noya was in utter shock. Daichi was floored. Suga shook his head and mumbled something about young love and stupidity under his breath. Shimizu sighed.

"You talk about each other constantly," Tsukki said monotonously.

"You're always looking out for each other," Yamaguchi added.

"Sharing food," Tanaka added. "True love."

"You spend all your time together! You're inseparable," Yachi pitched in.

"Hinata. You two look at each other the way you look at volleyballs." Suga broke it down into simple terms for the middle blocker. Hinata spun around wildly. Everyone seemed so convinced they were together. Except for him and Kageyama.

"And you wear Kageyama's jacket!" Noya said almost accusingly. "You guys are dating!"

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