Part IX

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Kage's POV

     Kageyama jogged over the side of the hills towards Karasuno. Part of him was worried yesterday had been a dream. After he had left Hinata and gotten home, he had felt the need to slap himself for everything he had said. It was a miracle Hinata didn't hate him, let alone was willing to date him.

     "KAGEYAMA!" The little blocker barreled past Kageyama, having already put his bike away. Kageyama started sprinting. He was determined not to lose the race to morning practice.

     They approached the closed gym doors and at the last second Hinata leaped onto the top step, beaming.

     "I win!" Hinata proclaimed. "56-57."

     "Until tomorrow," Kageyama promised. He noticed Hinata was wearing his jacket. It billowed in the morning wind and was obviously too big for Hinata. It was adorable.

     "Hey you're staring." Hinata pointed out, smiling.

     "No," Kageyama muttered.

     "Are we, I mean, did we or what, um," Hinata tried to talk. "Are we a thing?"

     "Well I'm taking you on a date soon and we kissed yesterday." Kageyama pointed out. He guessed Hinata was having the same doubts as him.

     "So yes." Hinata smiled. "We are a thing."

     "Yes." Kageyama ruffled Hinata's hair. This boy was finally his? Insane. "We are."

Daichi's POV

     "They're together. Finally." Suga smiled across the gym. He had suspected it at morning practice, and now he was certain. During after school practice they were doing individual practice. Across the gym, Kageyama was coaching Hinata on his serving form. There was an ease around them, better than it had been in the last few weeks.

     "What?" Daichi could never tell how Suga just knew.

     "They're both happier. And they look like someone mentioned nationals to them." Daichi could see that. Even though they were still bickering constantly, today it felt less angry and more for fun. The three on three after school had been a lot powerful than last week.

     "I'm glad. That explains why Kageyama's tosses are back to their normal standard and Hinata's decoy work is on par." Daichi noted. Karasuno had been in a rough spot with their setter and decoy before, although everyone had thought it had been because of the sexual tension, not mutual pining. Daichi wasn't sure what was better.

     "Mhmm." Suga watched them. "It's about time."

     "Took them almost even longer than us." Daichi smiled. It had taken Suga and him almost four months to admit their feelings for one another and get together. Asahi had said it was excruciatingly painful to watch.

     "Almost." Suga smiled at his boyfriend and Daichi fell a little more in love again. He hoped it was the same for Kageyama and Hinata. He glanced at Kageyama wrestling with Hinata's arm and Hinata complaining loudly, but both of them were clearly okay with it. And he knew it was the same. Slightly more messy, a little bit chaotic, but the same way nevertheless.

Hinata's POV

     "Kageyama!" Hinata jumped up, hitting Kageyama's shoulder. They were wrapping up individual practice.

     "Yes?" Kageyama turned towards him. He looked just as annoyed as usual. And equally as dishevelled and hot, according to Hinata. Butterflies fluttered around in his stomach. Hinata still couldn't believe the feeling was mutual.

     "Can you toss to me some more?" Hinata asked.

     "Yeah," Kageyama studied the court. He was setting up for a serve. Hinata watched as he threw up the ball in a high arch, ran and times his jump to hit it perfectly at peak position. His form was incredible. Hinata ran over to Daichi and Suga, who were about to leave.

     "Can we please practice a little more?" Hinata asked them, bowing a little.

     "SURE," Suga interjected before Daichi could say anything. "Remember to lock up and take the key."

     "Yes, of course. Thank you!" Hinata ran back to Kageyama.

     "Stop not thinking! A cross shot should be across the court, not just down. The blockers will get that!" Kageyama yelled at Hinata. "And where is your form? We just worked on this!"

     "Okay, okay!" Hinata gritted his teeth. He set himself up for another run, thinking, calculating, trying to ignore the intensity of Kageyama's gaze. The way the setter was studying his body unabashedly, critiquing his form made it hard for Hinata to focus.

     He ran, darted to the left and shifted to the middle ever so suddenly, throwing himself into a reverse broad jump. His hand slammed into the band perfectly, spiraling into a cross shot.

     "Alright!" Hinata smiled.

     They spent most of their time on reverse broad jumps, and getting Kageyama to adjust to Hinata's slight changes during those.

     "Hey, Hinata. It's late. We need to go." Kageyama tossed up a last ball. Hinata jumped as high as his tired legs would allow, and hit the ball powerfully.

     "Nice kill," Kageyama offered. He started to take down the volleyball net. Hinata unfastened the other side and they neatly folded it up. They pulled out the supporting poles from the floor, careful not to impale themselves with the notches and hooks for the nets.

     "Hey, be careful boke!" Hinata almost swung the pole into Kageyama's side.

     "Ah sorry!" Hinata laughed. Kageyama grinned a little and that made Hinata's smile broaden. They brought over the two poles parallel to the floor one at a time. Without hitting or impaling each other, they made it to the storage room. Hinata set his side down, and reached up, stretching.

     "I'm tired," he announced.

     "Hi tired I'm Kageyama." Kageyama deadpanned.

     "You're so annoying," Hinata elbowed him, but his heart was so happy. He couldn't suppress the smile. Kageyama cracked his own smile, elbowing him back. Hinata looked at Kageyama, and he got it. He knew why so many girls confessed, he knew why he liked Kageyama. Why we wanted Kageyama to be his.

     "Now you're staring." Kageyama ran a hand through his hair. Hinata glanced towards the gym, where it was empty. Just them.

     "Yeah," Hinata admitted, still staring. He grinned.

     "Boke." Kageyama's neck turned red and he ducked his head a little, embarrassed.

     "What?" Before he could think it over, Hinata pulled Kageyama down and kissed him.

     "Hinata!" Kageyama pulled back. If possible, his neck was even redder. "We're in the club storage room!" Hinata smiled at Kageyama's blushing.

      "Yeah?" Hinata challenged. "We are. And you're my boyfriend. And everyone thinks we're dating." Hinata enjoyed watching Kageyama stutter and blush at his words. Hinata drew out his next words. "And we are alone in the abandoned gym together."

     "That doesn't mean we're going to kiss here!" Kageyama insisted.

     "Who said anything about just kissing?" Hinata asked innocently, his heart racing and his palms sweaty. He raised an eyebrow, despite his entire body being drawn towards Kageyama. Despite his lips begging for another kiss, and his hands wanting to inexplicable and unreasonable feel Kageyama. Hinata felt the blush creeping up his entire body now. Kageyama's face turned scarlet.

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