Part III

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     Kageyama was cold. He could've gone up to Hinata and demanded his jacket back, but he didn't.

     "Are you cold Kageyama?" Daichi, the club captain asked. There were about to start after school practice. The setter stopped rubbing his hands together.

     "Not really," Kageyama replied but even to himself that sounded like a lie. Cold hands made it harder to set. If anything affected his playing ability he made sure to keep it in line, so Kageyama rationed he wasn't that cold.

     "You look like you're freezing. Where's your jacket?" Daichi scanned their bench duly.

     "Hinata has it." Suga came over. The setter offered Kageyama a casual smile and stood beside Daichi.

     "Hinata - Kageyama's cold. Give him his jacket." Daichi said decidedly. Suga looked like he wanted to smack Daichi. Kageyama felt compelled to insist Hinata could keep it when he realized he was shivering.

     Hinata walked over to them, peeling off the jacket. Kageyama did another double take at Hinata with his jacket. Hinata looked even smaller and almost cuter in the big jacket. It seemed to fall off his small frame easily and he tossed it to Kageyama casually.

     "Thanks for letting me borrow it!" Hinata smiled brightly. He went to retrieve his own jacket in his bag.

    "Yeah." Kageyama shrugged his jacket on, it feeling kind of weird. Sagging a little on the left side because there was a handful of colourful mini candies in the pocket. And it smelled a little different. Like Hinata.

Daichi's POV

     Suga casually slapped Daichi in the club room after everyone had left.

     "Kageyama and Hinata. Dating. Boyfriend shirt. Hinata was wearing Kageyama's jacket. Emphasis on WAS." Suga spelled it out for him.

     Realization came over Daichi.


     "Yeah sherlock."

Hinata's POV

     "Kageyama I'm cold," Hinata complained on the way home after practice. His jacket wasn't as big or warm as Kageyama's. He had gotten used to the extra fabric in the last few days. Winter was about to set in. Their breath clouded in front of them and Kageyama was already wearing a scarf.

     Kageyama wordlessly tossed his jacket at Hinata's head.

     "Thank you!" Hinata pulled it over his shoulders and smiled up at Kageyama. Two layers of jackets now. He didn't understand how Kageyama was invincible to the cold but he was jealous. In only his tee-shirt and scarf Kageyama looked a little funny. He reminded Hinata of a superhero from a show Natsu was watching.

     "Mm-hmm." Kageyama re-wrapped his scarf.

     "Oh I forgot these in here!" Hinata fished out the multicolored candies from Kageyama's pockets.

     "I hope you don't mind I ate some," Kageyama said offhandedly.

     "Course not, my mom's got a huge jar of them. Want one?" Hinata unwrapped a strawberry one for himself. He popped the candy in his mouth.

     "Sure. Orange." Kageyama gestured for Hinata to stop walking. "Wait."

     The setter took a few paces forwards and turned around to face Hinata again. He grinned. "Throw it."

     "Huh? Like this?" Hinata mimed an underhand throw.

     "No boke, unwrap it." Kageyama instructed. Hinata twisted off the bright orange wrapping and shoved it into the jacket's right pocket. He threw the candy into the air in a giant arch. Kageyama focused in on the tiny orange candy streaking through the air and neatly caught it with his mouth.

     Kageyama grinned. He opened his mouth to show Hinata the candy sitting in between his teeth. It was such a rare thing, but when Kageyama had fun like this, Hinata couldn't help but smile. He supposed if a girl had been around, this would be a moment when she'd realize she liked this idiot. Maybe fall in love. Maybe.

     "Hinata, are you cold?" Daichi asked Hinata the next day. They had just ended the final set of Karasuno vs Karasuno games for the day.

     "Oh? A little I guess." Hinata was still thinking about the last play of the game, not the temperature. Kageyama had messed up a lot of tosses today. Hinata was annoyed at himself for not adapting, but more annoyed at Kageyama. He had been off lately. Really off.

     "Kageyama, get over here. Hinata's cold." Daichi left them awkwardly after seeing Suga making the motion to cut it out by cutting his throat across the room.

     "What am I supposed to do." Kageyama stared at Hinata unimpressed. He knew he had messed up too in the game.

     "I don't know." Hinata was confused. No one in the club lately had been making any sense.

     "Are you cold?"


     "Are you cold? And now deaf dumbass?"

     "Yes, I mean no, I mean, yeah I'm cold." Hinata stuttered. Kageyama's jacket hit him in the head. Hinata had just returned it to him a few hours ago after morning practice.


     "I can just wear my own, you know? I'm sure you're cold." Hinata pointed out as he untangled the jacket off his head. Of course he wanted the jacket, but he felt kind of greedy constantly taking it. He hadn't expected Kageyama to let him have it at all.

     "Give it back then." Kageyama was about to snatch the jacket back.

     "No." Hinata jumped into a defensive position. He kept his eyes on Kageyama as he shrugged on the jacket. It fell around his arms and swallowed his hands. The pockets sagged with a few candies and wrappers. And it smelled like Kageyama. His heart rate jumped. Hinata stared at the setter, watching him. Unreadable, Kageyama pivoted back towards the court.

Daichi's POV

     "What was that?" Suga elbowed Daichi.

     "I don't know, um, I tried?" Daichi winced at the first year's confusion across the room.

     Suga sighed. He relaxed when Kageyama threw Hinata his jacket and scowled.

     "Just let them do their thing." Suga ruefully smiled. He lifted a shoulder. "They'll be fine."

     "Yeah," Daichi replied. He pulled on his jacket's sleeves, or rather, Suga's. It wasn't as obvious as Kageyama and Hinata's exchange, but if you looked closely you'd see the one Suga was wearing was a little bigger on him than it should be, and Daichi's was a little small.

     "You're so dense sometimes," Suga poked Daichi's arm.

     "I know," Daichi started taking down the nets with Suga. "Thanks for putting up with it. And putting up with me."

     "Honestly, I don't know how." Suga suddenly planted a kiss on Daichi's cheek. Even though no one was watching them, half behind the volleyball pole, Daichi blushed red.

     "Suga!" He was always nervous about PDA.

     "Yeah? I can kiss my dense boyfriend once in a while." Suga laughed. And Daichi had to smile.

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