Hello All My Lovely Readers

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Ok everyone, if you all keep uo with my other works then you know that I have been unpublishing stories of mine to fix.

Unfortunately this story is one of them. I wrote this when I was in a bad place. I felt so lonely and I hated myself. I was young and incorporated too much of my own problems into this story. My writing has improved tremendously and I want to give you guys an even better version of this story because if you all love my horrible teen angst writing, you're all really gonna be enchanted by my freshman in college novel worthy writing.

So yes. I will rewrite this story, but for those of you who adore this story I will leave this one and the sequel up, until the rewrite is complete.

So the rewrite will have both the Special Kuran Sakamaki and The Kuran Sakamaki's Legacy. There will be a short novella that will contain the two side stories about Rido and Airisu that I promised. Then I will post the promised prequel and I might think about making the final book following Airisu and her family.

Lots of plans for this series and lots of work for me. I hope you guys, my faithful readers stick around for the revamped rewrite, and the other books to come. Thank you all for your love and support and thank you to those readers who still reread this piece of trash.

I love you all and I will post an announcement when I finish the rewrite.

Stay safe!!



I hope you all enjoyed that Uchiha gif as much as I did😏

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