walk. ii

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jacob thought that was it. one walk, and maybe him showing no interest at all in the girl would make her leave him alone.

but oh boy, jacob barber was wrong.

the girl was determined to get to know him. befriend him, even. she just didn't know why he didn't want to befriend her. she isn't doing anything wrong, right? or maybe she's just annoying him. but she didn't stop because she knew she could get his attention in a way.

and this went on for, not even weeks, but months. sure, jacob felt like he had a stalker but he couldn't admit that he sort of liked it. he liked walking alone, but having someone's company, especially y/n's was better yet he didn't realize it.

y/n would babble all the time and she didn't care if jacob replied or not. though, he never did. she just went on and on because she knew jacob wouldn't care.

as usual, jacob walked to school. nothing new of course, the girl, y/n, went up to him again.

but she seemed...less excited? not that jacob observed her carefully but...it was quite obvious.
but jacob pretended not to care. he just listened to his music, like always.

y/n kept talking thinking jacob couldn't hear her.

" i don't know why you don't like me. is it because i'm weird? maybe i scared you? maybe i'm annoying? geez just tell me. maybe then i'd leave you alone. "

jacob felt sorry for the girl. he was being a dick when all she wanted to do was be his friend.

" you know i started walking with you
because you seemed so lonely! and i know how that feels okay? it fucking sucks. i just thought maybe you could use some company. "

what y/n said next wouldn't leave jacob's mind for the rest of the day.

" fucking hell jacob barber, i like you, okay? but if you wanna be left alone then fine. you can have what you want. "

jacob showed no emotion but he was shocked to hear what she said. he couldn't reply of course, after she thought he wasn't listening. they'd gotten to school at the time and y/n walked straight to her class, not bothering to say goodbye to jacob.

jacob thought about what she said the whole day. no wonder she always talked about him whenever she thought he wasn't listening.

that's it , jacob thought to himself.
he was always listening to her. yes, he had music on but he always listened to what she had to say. he liked her too, but he never realized it.
what was he gonna do now?

part 3 soon!

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