walk. iii

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eager to actually talk to the girl this time, jacob walked this morning slower than usual, thinking y/n would run up to him as always.

but today, she didn't. he waited, and waited, and waited. but she didn't run up to him. she didn't walk to him. yes, she had a car and her parents could drop her off to school but that rarely happened because she always wanted to walk with him.

jacob started to worry, this was all his fault.

he decided to maybe talk to her another day, and just continue walking to school. besides, she goes to the same school and he sees her in the halls. they have some classes together too.

on the way there, jacob found her walking. she didn't get dropped off after all. she just went a different route, to avoid jacob of course.
what would he want to do with her after she successfully annoyed him for months straight?

" y/n! hold on a second! " jacob called out.

y/n had to admit, it did surprise her to finally hear words coming out of jacob barber's mouth,  not forcefully. but she didn't bother looking back.

y/n obviously didn't want to talk to jacob so calling her name wouldn't do anything. this time, jacob ran up to her.

" y/n, i'm so sorry for being a dick. i thought about what you said yesterday and i— "

y/n suddenly looked at him, surprised by what he said. hell, jacob wasn't even wearing his earphones. " you heard what i said? "

y/n stopped walking and so did jacob. y/n felt her face warm up. she suddenly regretted saying what she said to him yesterday.

" i heard everything. "

" oh my fucking god i have to go "

but before y/n could run off, jacob grabbed her wrist.

" i know it's like i don't appreciate your company whenever you walk with me but i swear i do and i'm sorry i never told you. i'm sorry i acted the way i did. i'm actually thankful that someone wanted to be my friend you know? and make me feel less lonely. " jacob told her.

" it took me too long to realize it but y/n, i like you too. " jacob said smiling, which made the girl smile too.

" i forgive you, jacob. but i think we gotta start walking now or else we're gonna be late for
class! " y/n said.

jacob took the chance to hold her hand and they continued to walk to school.

since then, jacob and y/n both felt less lonely in each other's company.

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