Part 1

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"Y/n! Come down soon!", your mom yelled. "Coming mom!", you went down. Your parents and brother were already waiting for you. "We will go now or else we will be late", your dad said.

"Can't you come soon?", your brother Park Jimin whispered. "Woah! You guys made me change so many outfits! It's your fault!", you crossed your arms.

"Please, act like a grown up. You are already 27 Jimin and you y/n, you are 25", your mom sighed. You put your tongue out in a mocking tone. Jimin did the same.

You are on your way to meet Kim's family, a party was organised to celebrate their son's birthday. Their son has returned from abroad and also your father said that some important decisions are to be taken regarding the company.

Your brother is going to be the next CEO of the company but he has to work hard and have good connections, to become powerful and successful.

"You and Mr.Kim's son studied together right", your mom asked your brother. "Yeah! Mom, we were good friends back then, I wonder how he is now", your brother replied, looking outside the window.

You were fixing your make-up. "Y/n, you are ugly, Don't try too much", you brother giggled. You gave a glare and said,"Dad, just give me the company, how can this immature fellow handle?", you giggled.

"You are not mature either", your dad said. Your mom and Jimin tried hard not to laugh. It was a great backfire! "Appa!", you whined.

"We are here. Please behave yourselves Jimin and y/n", your father said, more like a warning. You both nodded. There were more people than you expected. Everyone was from reputed companies.

Your brother acted more professional, you were a little surprised by his behaviour. Anybody will fall for this side of him. Your mom met some of her aged women and you really didn't know many people.

You thought that it would be better with your mom, than roaming alone. There were some girls of your age with their mothers. Some were so elegant and beautiful.

You were sitting in a group and talking to each other. You were a little tired of mothers' boasting about their daughters. Your mother was also not an exception. She was spinning lies like she was a pro!

You badly wanted to leave the place. But then Mrs.Kim came to your table. Everybody greeted her and she greeted back. Your mother and Mrs.Kim seemed to be little close which gave a burning sensation to others.

Introducing you, your mother asked,"How is your son Mrs.Kim?" "He is fine and you have a beautiful daughter", she commented. Your brother chuckled, hearing the comment and came towards you.

"Oh! Park Jimin! You are handsome", she said with surprise. "Where is Taehyung Mrs.Kim, I couldn't see him anywhere?",your brother asked. "He is getting ready. I thought you both already met.

He asked about you as soon as he reached here", she said. You were a little surprised, you never knew they were close. You also didn't know who Taehyung was for your whole life.

You don't socialize much, you always prefer indoors. There were reasons for that. They announced Kim Taehyung is coming. The hall went silent for a moment and everyone awed by his handsomeness.

"Is he human or sculpture?", You asked your mom and she giggled. He waved at your brother and hugged him. Not everyone was delighted at the scene.

Author Note:

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