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We now have our subway! It was extremely nice! Tiffany was enjoying hers, mikey had finished his. After we had finished our food, Tiffany and I got into onesies and decided to sing really loud.

*tiffany and Y/n singing loud*
"Girls?" I say but they were yelling at this point
"Umm, mikey come here!" I yell
"Look at them" I laugh
"What the fuck" mikey says confused
The music stops,
"Oh shit umm sorry dad" y/n says
"No it's fine but do you want to watch a movie?" I say
"Yeah!" They both said


This movie is so good, Tiffany was enjoying it, so was everyone else. My eyes felt heavy. After a few minutes I was asleep.


This movie was super good! I'm glad y/n has a good friend! She was nice to us all. I look over to y/n her eyes were closed. I don't know what to do. Do I throw a pillow at her, hoping it would wake her up or leave her. I throw a pillow at her! She wakes up and then sits up acting like she wasn't asleep. It was 2am


I have got a pillow thrown at me. Wow wonder who did that. Tiffany and I are going up stairs
"Hey we are going to bed now! Night dad and friends!" I say
"Night guys!" Tiffany says
"Night pumpkin and night Tiffany!" Dad says
We head upstairs and go straight to sleep!
By the time we wake up it was 9am we got ready it was Saturday! A good day!!
No one was awake yet but frank was asleep on the sofa!
"Tiffany!" I whisper
"What" she replies
"Grab some makeup" I point at frank!
"Haha yes" Tiffany says
We start putting makeup all over franks face! We put pink lipstick on him, eyeliner, blush, and lastly we tied his hair up with a red hair bobble!
"Hahaha" I quietly giggled
"This is hilarious! Got to get a picture!" She snaps a picture
"What up guys?" Mikey says coming down stairs!!
"Look at him!" I point to frank and mikey starts laughing!
"Gotta get his reaction!" Mikey says setting up a camera!
"This is gonna be the best!" Tiffany says
"Hey everyone!" Ray says!!
"Hi ray" I say with a smile
"What happened to frank?" Ray says
"Umm wasn't me or Tiffany at all!" I say, Ray laughs at us and sees the camera mikey has set up.
"Wow mikes you really set up a camera for a reaction?" Ray asks
"Well yeah it'll be funny!" Mikey says
"Frank? What happened to you?" Gerard says walking into the living room with a coffee?
"Frank?" Mikey taps him on the shoulder causing him to wake up!
"Why are you all laughing?" Frank says while walking to the bathroom!
"Shit! Who did this?" Frank yells scrubbing off the makeup
Me and Tiffany are laughing


Tiffany had left, I was sat on the sofa hugging Gerard.
"Dad?" I say
"Yeah?" He says
"I am scared" I say
"What? Why?" Gerard says while sitting up
"I don't know, ever since the bob thing happened, I don't want to be alone. I feel scared at night." I say letting a tear go down my cheek
"Sweetie, it will be fine, I promise you." He says stroking my hair causing me to fall asleep in his arms.


Ever since she said she was scared earlier I couldn't let her go. I didn't want my angel to get hurt. I notice she has fallen asleep on me. I pick her up and place her in my bed, after brushing my teeth I get into bed and hold her close. I wake up to frank and ray singing songs down stairs while mikey cooks food. I look down and see a peaceful angel wrapped up in my blanket! I get up going downstairs.
"Gee, where's y/n?" Mikey asks
"She was scared, I mean she is scared, she was sleeping in my bed last night. Ever since that bob thing she has been scared. I don't want to let her get hurt. Mikey, I know she has only just started school a few weeks ago, but I think we should home school her. I mean we are going on tour in 2 weeks which I need to tell her about. So umm when she wakes up I'll tell her. She can still see her friend Tiffany is she likes aswell. I mean, I want her to have friends, but like people push her around at school all the time. They use her. It's not fair. I'm gonna tell her." I say
"I mean I see where your coming from" mikey says


Where was I? I look around noticing I was in dads room. It was comfy in here!
I go on my phone. Checking my social media's. I walk down stairs seeing mikey and Gerard talking while frank and ray sang and danced around.
I sat down next to dad.
"Morning dad" I say
"Morning darling!" He says smiling at me
"Morning y/n" mikey says
"Morning mikes" I say to mikey
"So umm, do you mind if we tell you something?" Gerard says
"Umm no" I say while rubbing my eyes
"Well, we are going on tour in 2 weeks! And umm we need to take you out of school and homeschool you!" Dad says
"Umm, ok! Can I still see my friends from school?" I ask
"Yeah, they are your friends" dad says
"Also. Tour!!!" I say happily
I lean my head onto Gerard I get lost in thought


Gerard and y/n are the best. Gerard is the best dad to her. She was always safe when he was around. She seems to fit in here! I do love her being here. Ever since she has came here gee has cheered up a lot more! I am happy


I sing and dance around. I see y/n leaning on gee, it was adorable. I quickly snap a picture of them together before gee looks over. Gerard was happy! So was y/n, she has cheered gee up a lot


I was jumping around. Gerard has cheered up. Y/n has really changed him for good. I can't wait to go on tour with them both!!

I finally stop leaning on dad and go and get dressed.
I wore this:

I went and sat down on the sofa

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I went and sat down on the sofa. I was happy today! It was 2 weeks until tour! I can't wait. I decided to grab my ukulele, I start to sing

[dont be that way
Fall apart twice a day
I just wish you feel what you say]

I played the uke along to the lyrics

[i don't wanna be you anymore]

I finish the song off, I soon realise ray,gee,mikey and frank were watching me. I look at the floor
"That was amazing!" Ray says
"I loved that so much" gee says
Mikey was smiling at me
Frank winked at me

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