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I was happy here! I can't wait until tour!
"Hey all, wanna go shopping today?" Frank says
"Sure, everyone get ready!" Gerard says
I put my shoes on and grab my bag and place my phone in there!


Fans came up to us! I said hi to some of them
"Hey y/n can I get a picture?" A girl asks
"Yeah" I pose and smile
"Thank you!" The girl says
I love this so much! I walk in between Gerard and mikey, that's where I felt safest!


"IS EVERYONE READY?" Gee shouts as he puts my bag into the bus!
"YEAH!!!" We all shout.
"Hey dad!" I say
"Hey princess" he says back
"What you doing?"  I ask
"Oh Just posting on my instagram story!" He says
"Cool!" I say leaning on him again!

It has been a few hours! I have been playing games on my phone in my bunk for an hour!
It was 11pm, they had a show tomorrow! I was excited. Everyone started getting ready for bed. I put my pyjamas on. I got into my bunk. It was cold. I was scared. I wanted to go to Gerard. I start to cry. I gasp loudly

"Y/n?" I hear mikey say
"Yeah" I say shakily
"Are you ok?" He asked coming over to my bunk
"C-can I g-go to dad?" I ask, mikey nods as he lifts me out of my bunk and wakes gee up and tells Gerard that I wanted to go to him

I climb into his bunk and he pulls me close.
"Y/n, baby are you ok?" He asks
"No, I- I'm scared" I say while crying into gerards chest
"It's gonna be ok" he says
I closed my eyes and Gerard held me all night.


I woke up to the smell of toast. Ray and Gerard were making toast while mikey and frank just sat around doing nothing.
"Morning" I say
"Good morning princess" Gerard hugged me
"You want food?" Ray asks
"No thanks ray" I say

I sit next to mikey, he was talking to mikey.
"Hey kid you ok now?" Mikey asks
"Yeah" I smile!
"Looking forward to the show later?" Frank asks me
"Yeah! I can't wait!" I say

I go and get dressed! I wore this:

I came back to where everyone was!"You look beautiful!" Gerard says "Thank you" I say back

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I came back to where everyone was!
"You look beautiful!" Gerard says
"Thank you" I say back


It was an hours until the show started! We were all hanging out back stage! It was ten minutes until the show started! I gave them good luck! I stood backstage where I could see them! I was happy!!


Y/n could see us, the fans started coming in, the curtain was covering us while the fans came in!
The show had started! I started singing! After I had finished the first song. Signaling for y/n to come over to me. She shyly walked over to me!
"Say hi" I say to her
"Hello all" she said
It was adorable, I love her.
"Love you y/n" I said as she left the stage fans screamed and I started singing the next song!


I was backstage! I loved this so much! The band was half way through the show!
I then get a tap on the shoulder I turn around
"Hey sexy, wanna come with me?" This guy says
"Umm no" I say
"Please, come with me!" He said
"I said no!" I said I little louder
The song had stopped. Gee was talking on stage
"Please come with me sexy!" The guy said
" I FUCKING SAID NO, YOU DIRTY BASTARD" I shout the whole place was silent.

"Y/n?" Frank came running over
"This idiot won't leave me alone!" I shout
"Get off of her now!" Gerard said.
"Who are you to tell me what to do?" Said the guy
"Well, she is my daughter! Now get off of her" Gerard says!

"We will be back in a bit!" Says ray down gerards mic!

The guy pulls me closer to him, I tried pushing him away. He starts kissing my neck.

Frank pulls the guy away from me!
"Sweetheart are you ok?" Gerard Asks
"I think so" I say
"I don't want this happening again!" He says
"Same, where can I be safe?" I say
"Sit over there!" He points to the corner next to mikey on stage! I was on stage the whole time then and nothing could happen to me!
"Ok" I sprint across stage!

"Hello again everyone!" Shouts Gerard down the microphone! I smile. After he had performed Helena, mikey sat next to me
"Are you ok?" He asks
"I think so" I say back
He stands up ready to play another song!


"Princess?" Gerard says while walking into the dressing room area
I look up
"Are you ok, did he do anything else other than, I can't even say. You know what I mean though"  gee said
"He, he called m-me se-sexy three t-times" I start crying. Gerard hugs me.


"Princess are you ok?" Gerard asks
"Hmm" I mumble
"Are you gonna talk?" Gerard asks me softly
"No" I mumble
"It's ok, you can talk to any of us" he says
"Hmm" I mumble
I sat in Gerards bunk for a few hours. I drew some stuff and listened to music. I was getting tired . I put my stuff at the end of Gerards bed and fell asleep.


"Mikey check on y/n" mikey gets up and goes to my bunk.
"She is sleeping" mikey says
"Aww" I say
"Whatever that guy said and did to her has affected her a lot" says Ray
"Yeah, she said that she isn't gonna talk." I say
"I hope she does eventually" Frank says


I wake up and go to my bunk. It was 1am I heard everyone getting ready for bed. I lie in my bed facing the wall.

"Darling?" Gerard says
"Hmm" I mumble
"Are you ok?" He asks
"Hmm yes" I lie
An hour has passed. I feel like crying. Tears stream down my cheeks, I get out of my bunk and get a glass of water.
Mikey was in the living area. He was on his phone. He looks up to me
"Are you ok?" He asks
"Hmm" I mumble again
I grab my glass of water and sit next to mikey. He puts his arm around me and hugs me.
"I am going to bed now y/n, do you want to go back to bed?" He says
"Hmm" I stand up and walk over to my bunk

I fall asleep,
I scream, I scream again. I wake up.
"Honey? Come here" Gerard holds out his arms I fall into them as he puts me into his bunk then gets in
"Your going to be ok now, dad is here. Nothing with happen to you. I love you so much." He says
"Mm" I mumble
"Please say something" he says
"Hmm" I say
He hugs me tight, he doesn't let me go, I need the toilet.
"Hmm" I mumble
"Hmm" I mumble
"Dad, Gerard" I mumble
He is still sleeping
"Let me go" I say
Mikey heats what's going on
"Y/n is everything ok, can I help you?" I grab hold of mikey and he puts me down on the floor.

"No! No! What? Give her back!" Gerard shouts
"It's mikey calm down she is going to t he toilet" mikey says
"Ok, I was worried then!" I hear dad say
I come out of the toilet and get back to dad
"Did you sleep?" Dad asks
"Mm" I mumble again
"Please atleast speak to me!" He says softly
"No" I mumble

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