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" Mph~ "

Schlatt groaned slowly opening his eyes feeling a bright light hit his eyes causing him to squint seeing blurriness blinking a couple of times face to face with a black coloured shirt making him look up above him to see Wilbur's head resting above his head peacefully sleeping making schlatt blink a bit with confusion then feeling a grip making him look over at his own waist seeing Wilbur's hand on his waist then schlatt quickly realised after that their legs were also tangled up....

Schlatt blushed also realising that the two were literally holding each other seeing that he himself were doing the same to wilbur with his hands hugging around him as well causing schlatt to blush madly sitting up quickly accidentally disturbing wilbur from his slumber causing him to groan with annoyance.

" Jesus schlatt... What the fuck... " He spoke with a sleepy husky voice squinting his eyes a bit seeing that schlatt was red " you okay...? " The Brit asked making schlatt nod quickly " Y-Yeah just had a bad... Dream t-t-thats all... " Wilbur ohed and sat up a bit rubbing his eyes leaving the two in quite a bit silence " So... How'd you sleep last night? " Schlatt asked making wilbur pause what he was doing hearing a deep sigh soon afterwards.

" I.... I didn't sleep well last night.. I woke up quit a few times but its okay I mean I did fall back asleep anyways... "

Schlatt frowned " did that... Um.. Incident.. Keep you up? " Wilbur sadly nodded " Well its okay(!) I mean you did it for self defense wilbur its alright.. " He smiled rubbing his back " Yeah your right.. Hey can I use your bathroom also do you have a extra tooth brush? " Schlatt nodded " Yes of course and I have a extra one in a second drawer in the bathroom where the sink is at choose which ever one you want I have plenty in a package. " Wilbur smiled standing up " Thanks. " And walked into the bathroom.

Schlatt smiled watching him go into the bathroom and shut the door.

Out of nowhere sudden vibrations where he lamp was startled him causing him to look over at his phone seeing a call from his phone and it was his good neighbour minx grabbing it and answering it putting it against his ear.

" Hello– "

" SCHLATT WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?! " the Irish lady suddenly shouted into his ear through his phone causing him to pull away a bit " What? " " Jesus fuck Jon(!) Look at the news for focks sakes. " Jon quickly stands up and speed walks to the living room.

(A.N: Schlatt walk)

Grabbing the remote and quickly going to the news channel seeing a news about a building being broken down " uuuh... Wait you think I caused people to break a building? "

" What(???) No ye fockin idiot THE OTHER ONE!!!!! " She shouted making schlatt go to a different news channel that immediately caused his heart to drop into his stomach seeing a photo of both him and Wilbur seeing the bottom text saying:

Murderer Keeping Male Hostage.

Then a news man popped up now speaking saying in his exact words,

" British male who goes by the name Wilbur Soot is now being named a Murderer after murdering a by stander who goes by the name Joshua Brown while walking with his friends who reported to say that the male just jumped them from behind with a knife who tried to rob um.. Joshua who took a couple of hundreds and stabbing him afterwards, " Schlatt couldn't believe what he was hearing, hearing the man speak a complete different story then what his best friend told him.

" And Andrew what about the other male? " A female reporter asked the male reporter " why thank you for asking Joan I was just about to get into that part it seemed like the male then took off running to a near by coffee shop to have that other male who goes as the name Jonathan Schlatt who seemed to be in the shop at the time seemed to be force to open the door and here's the footage of it right now, " A blurry looking video popped up seeing wilbur running and going towards the door seeing himself open the door for his friend and putting stuff against the door and not much after.

" Um from another building on the camera you can see that Wilbur guy literally grabbing the mans arm and forcing him to run through the rain and I don't think you can see the weapon in his hand but it seems like the other male is very very scared for his life right now so I hope people back at home can help and find the two and save Jonathan from this mans murderous hands and we hope to find him alive before he becomes the next victim of this crime scene, and here's the pictures on the screen for everyone to see a description of the two and we'll be back on another story. "

Schlatt was at utter loss, its like he couldn't even breathe himself or that his lungs literally left his body.

" Jon(?) Jon you there(?) Hello!!! " Schlatt cleared his throat " Y-Yeah I am... " He said in a shaky voice staring at both his photo and Wilbur's picture on the screen " Your not a hostage are you... " Schlatt shook his head " N-No I'm not nor murderer but minx you have to understand Wilbur didn't do it just to do it those men attacked him(!) You have to believe me(!) H-H-He– They attacked him(!) this is all a lie(!) Minx please(!) Don't call the cops please I beg of you!!! "

" Schlatt I believe you I swear on my parents I believe you, you never lied to me why would you lie about this... "

" T-Thank you minx... "

" Your– What the fuck... "

Schlatt furrowed his brow " What? " He asked " Oh my god.. Schlatt cops are surrounding the place.. " " What(?) What place? " The was a pause " The apartment, oh fuck schlatt they're hear(!), " She whisper yelled through the phone " You and your friend have to get out NOW. "

" Wait right now? "

" Yes right now(!) I call you back and I'll try my best to distract them(!) Go and get out as quick as you can! " Then the phone hung up making schlatt curse quietly to himself then run off to his room slamming the door open " Wilbur– " Wilbur stood there in the middle of the room with his jeans and phone in his hands looking up at schlatt with tears streaming down his face " T-They got my wallet... They gave them my name... I'm wanted schlatt... T-They think I kidnapped you(!) T-T-They think I'm g-g-going to kill you... T-T-They– I-I– " Wilbur voice began to crack, dropping his jeans on the floor breaking down making schlatt quickly run to him holding him up before his knees hit the ground.

" No no no wilbur no you can't do that not right now(!), " He quickly said grabbing his face making wilbur look at him in his eyes " Look at me wilbur, Look at me okay(?) We need to leave NOW, The cops are here and we need to go before they reach our floor, we don't have much time but thanks to minx she's going to distract them to give us a few times help me grab some stuff and we'll leave as quick as possible alright(?) Hey look at me, alright? " Wilbur nodded " I need you to change out of your clothes too and change into something different. " Wilbur nodded quickly running to the closet to change while schlatt packed up his stuff.

Schlatt wore a very loose red sweat shirt black jeans with a chain on it red convers and his Yankee hat.

Schlatt finished grabbing literally everything he needed clothes phone charger and anything else he needed " Wilbur you done? " wilbur walked out with a red beanie a orange loose hoodie with a white shirt under ripped jeans and black shoes " Look good? " He asked " Yes thats good now come on there's a stair case in the end of the hallway outside of the window if we get there before the cops get to the back and escape without being noticed. " Schlatt put on his back pack and grabbed Wilbur's hand peaking outside of his door seeing no one letting him and wilbur get out of the apartment shutting his door quietly before running to the end of the hallway.

Schlatt looked outside to see no cops which made him chuckle with happiness and open the window climbing out with wilbur shutting the window all the way down before quickly walking down the metal steps to the bottom.

" Now what(?), " Wilbur asked quickly looking around " We run to the side walk and try to act as normal as possible and keep your hoodie up and don't put it down once got it(?) "

" Yeah, but where do we go? " Schlatt sighed " I don't know... You know what I think I might have a place but I don't know if they will be okay with it or if the cops are there, but it wouldn't hurt to try... "

" Then let's go. "

Schlatt nodded grabbing a hold of his hand both quickly making their way to the side walk praying that they don't get caught and arrested for something they didn't do and by they what Wilbur did...



Running with a murderer (Schlattbur) (DISCONTINUED/REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now