Chapter 5

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He's pulling me from hall to hall until we reach a big red door that says "Stairwell"

He faces me "Katniss, promise me one thing."


"Don't tell Haymitch."

"Uh. Who's Haymitch?"

He gives me a huge grin. "Nevermind."

He punches a code and the red door opens.

His smile stops me in my tracks.

It was the only time he's ever smiled.
And it was beautiful.

"You comin' sweetheart?"

"Yeah."I start to walk after him.

We climbed what seemed like a thousand steps and ended up at the very top where the ceiling was glass so you could see the sky outside and a small square door which would look like a trap door from the outside.

"Finnick.. Where are we?"

We climb out the trap door and I see nothing but miles and miles of barren wasteland.

"This is District 13. This was district 13." He replies grimly.

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