Goku Black saga Vegeta x beaten and kidnapped female reader

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Description: When Black is being sent back to his own timeline he takes you and Vegeta will do anything to get his mate back.

No-ones pov

You screamed when Black grabbed you and you struggled in his grasp. This caused the others to turn and gasp as Black chuckled "if I'm going I'm taking her with me!".

You saw Vegeta and both Trunks being held back and you reached for "VEGETA!" He responded with "Y/N!" As You sons yelled "MOTHER/MOMMY!" 

Before the portal closed and you were gone. Black grinned and threw you to the ground and you hissed in pain as the rubble and glass dig into your skin.

Slowly getting into a sitting position you looked up and met Blacks fist to your face. You yelped in pain before falling to the ground and held your rapidly bleeding cheek.

He growled "your pathetic the great prince chooses a worthless mortal for a mate!" You whimpered and backed away from him. 

Gripping your arm he through you into a building. You groaned sliding down the wall while clutching your wounded side.

With Vegeta

I froze as Black grabbed y/n and dragged her through the portal. Every muscle tensed and I slammed my fist into the ground roaring "DAMMIT!"

Not did the bastard cause pain in the future and killed millions. 

But now he now dares to harm my mate he is going to pay and he'll pay in blood!

Trunks opened the time machine and we set of the find y/n. Hopefully restore my future sons timeline "hold on y/n"


No-ones pov

Laying on the ground you coughed up blood after Blacks beaten. You clutched your stomach protectively all the way threw it.

You heard a noise and weakly looked up seeing the time machine and smiled only to gasp when Zamusa appeared in front of you smirking and grabbed you by your neck you chocked slightly and held his arm to prevent your neck breaking.

As the other got out of the time machine Black smirked at Vegeta's blood thirty look "We're is she?!" He roared out Zamusa appeared next to him with you in hand.

Taking in your form he gasped "y/n?!" You groaned opening your eyes and smiled weakly at him and your future version of your son.

"about time you guys got here" You yelped when Zamusa dropped you from the sky.

Vegeta caught you and held your body protectively to his chest. Letting out a whimper you looked up at him and pointed at both Black and Zamusa "kick there ass for me would ya sweetie"

You groaned holding your stomach "and please hurry I need to see if our baby is safe!" He stared at you wide eyes. 

Before they narrowed and turned blue as he glared at both males with pure rage.

Setting you down next to your son you looked up and saw Vegeta slam his fist into Blacks cheek.

"No-one Hurts my wife and unborn cub and lives to tell the tale!"

Edited on Wednesday 28th August 2024

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