Little things you can do

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It was really upsetting when no one commented on what they did for the weekly eco goal last week. If you're one of the four members we already have, PLEASE participate! Maybe you did do one of the things we listed in the last chapter, that's great, but please remember to comment so we know. So for the next weekly eco goals all our members are mandated to tell us what they did.

Little things you can do to help our environment:

-The pretty obvious things, like turning off lights when you're in a room, turning off the tap while brushing your teeth
-Instead of taking the car, use public transport, walk, or ride a bike.
-Buy less meat and dairy. Not saying you should become a vegetarian or vegan, but eating less meat and dairy really helps!
-Reduce, reuse, recycle. Try bamboo or metal straws instead of plastic ones (or none!). Instead of plastic water bottles, bring your own one. Only 10% of all the water bottles in the world are actually recycled. And maybe buy less food that's unnecessarily packed in plastic.
-Use Ecosia, a search engine that plants trees. With every 45 searches you make, Ecosia plants a tree for you. Now 45 searches before you finally plant a tree might look like a lot, but you might be surprised by how much you look up stuff on the internet, and before you know it, you've made 560 searches. Did you know that Ecosia has actually restored a forest in Australia that was destroyed by a wildfire? They've done so in a lot of other countries, too! And Ecosia is completely free.
-Most importantly: educate yourself and others. Read articles and watch documentaries about environmental issues. You'll learn so much, and you can inform other people. Try to understand the situation and what's going on.

Thanks for taking the time to read this! There are two more informative chapters planned for this month along with more eco goals.


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