Your Father Was Lying

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"David (L/N) is turning in his grave, because of last night, Buddy," Meliodas says in a cheeky tone as he leans over the bar counter.

"Boss, man, I'm gonna marry that girl," Ban says excitedly while he is making breakfast in the club kitchen.

"Whoa! Are you serious?"

"Yeah, buddy. I knew she was my soulmate from the moment I saw her. And when she said those words, man..." He stares into the distance, replaying your declaration of love in his head. "I phoned in a favor, Arthur's helping me to organize a romantic evening. Tonight, it will be perfect."

"Okay, then. That's awesome!"

"Hey, Guys!" You shout as you bounce down the stairs. You run to Ban, give him a big squeeze, and steal one of the strawberries he is busy preparing. You start to leave when Ban grabs your wrist.

"Baby Girl, don't be too late, we still need to go buy sheets."

"Cool. See you later!" You runoff.

It's lunchtime and before going to the food court, you make a stop at the ladies room. While in the stall you hear a familiar voice.

"Hello, Young Miss (L/N)..."

Shivers run down your spine. Your mind jumps to the night your family was slaughtered. His body towering over you as he pierced a sword through your chest. Tears start to fill your eyes just thinking about it.

You slowly reach for your phone. Trying to be as silent as possible. Scared that the slightest sound will set off a series of events, you are not prepared for. You dial Ban and place the phone back in your pocket.

"Hey Beautiful... Babe?" Ban answers and hears a man speaking, he curiously listens.

"(Y/N). I was surprised that one of my Rebellion swords could not kill a mere mortal. Why do you think that is?" He says obnoxiously, you feel the evil dripping through the bathroom stall.

"You missed, I guess." You say sarcastically, trying not to reveal the pure terror that was rushing through your body.

"Ha. Funny like your father. I think Daddy dearest was lying to us." Estarossa says amused.

"What are you talking about? What did you want from my dad?" You asked, confused.

"Did you really think that surviving my sword was mere luck? I believed your father when he said the experiment failed, that we could not recreate immortality. So, when he was no longer of any use to us, we disposed of him. I regret that decision today."

He kicks down the stall door.

"As you stand before me, you are proof of the possibility of man-made immortality!" A maniacal smile grows on his face.

"My, my, my dad was, was a scientist. He developed vaccines." You said in shock.

"Your dad was a geneticist, Darling. He worked for the 10 Commandments."

"No, he worked for AdcoTech." You say with disbelief.

"Which is owned by the 10 Commandments." He said in an irritatingly calm voice. Tears start streaming from your eyes. You feel weak and sick.

"Come silently, or watch as I burn down your college and kill your cop friend walking around."

You start walking out of the stall. Estarossa stops you and reaches out his hand.

"Hang up the phone..."

You remove the phone from your pocket, place it to your ear and say: "I love you, my lover." You can hear Ban driving on the other side of the line. Estarossa takes your phone and smashes it on the floor.

Still crying and confused. He helps you into a car and drives off.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Your new home, of course." He says with a smile. You roll your eyes and look out the window.

Ban, I am scared. Come find me. Please.

You arrive at a mansion on the outskirts of Liones. Estarossa leads you out of the car and into the most beautiful building you have ever seen. Chandeliers, gold finishes, and fresh flowers everywhere. This is not the dwelling you imagined a demon would have.

"Let me show you to your new room," Estarossa said while leading you upstairs.

"It will never be my room," you look down to the floor as you walk. Your emotions contrast the lavish interior.

"My Darling, we're partners now. Accept the facts. You will help me discover the key to immortality. You are the link between Ban and what stands between us and immortality."

"Ban?" You asked puzzled.

"Yes! I am surprised Ban didn't tell you about how daddy dearest was the one prodding and poking him when we captured him 12 years ago."

"My dad would never do things like that! You monster!" You shout in anger.

"Don't be like that. I'll take good care of you, and in return, you will help the geneticists." He says wickedly suave. He opens a door to a bedroom, you see an easel and all the art supplies you could ever want.

"See, not that bad, you can paint to your heart's content..."

You start sobbing as you fall on the bed and grab hold of a pillow. You hate the fact that you can't sleep in Ban's arms tonight. You try to comfort yourself, thinking, he'll be here tomorrow.

"Dinner's at 18:00. Not that you need to know that." Estarossa grins and locks the door.

"I was too late, they were gone when I got to her college." Ban is pacing around like a maniac. "We should just track them one at a time, and fucking kill them all." He says to Meliodas who just got home. He has been waiting all afternoon for his boss, scheming on how to save you.

"Ban, if it was that easy we would have done that 100 years ago. AdcoTech will be our best bet and the 10 Commandments would have the place surrounded by security. We should go at Noon, tomorrow, when Escanor is at his peak." Meliodas says trying to calm Ban down.

"How the hell am I supposed to wait till then?" He grabs his hair out of frustration.

"Ban, going in there, now, will just have you captured, AGAIN. They won't kill her. She is too valuable to their research." Meliodas says seriously for a change.

The next day Ban and the team storms AdcoTech, no epic battle took place, because there was no one there. Ban screams in frustration.

"We'll find her, buddy..."
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