Silk Sheets 🍋

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His heartbeat on your hand is the most satisfying feeling you have ever felt. Your soul floods with emotion as you think about how much you love this immortal. Why do you love him so much? It's unbearable. You're losing your mind. You pull away from his tender kiss and sit up, with Ban still in between your legs.

"Now you're just asking for punishment, Baby Girl," Ban threatens with a wicked grin.

Your face solemn, as you rest your index finger on his lips. Your stare is serious and focused on him. Ban looks surprised when your hands meet his cheeks.

"Ban." You sigh heavily. "I love you. Too much." You profess, as you gaze into his eyes. "So much, that my heart aches when you leave the room. When I see you, I forget about the rest of the world. When I hear your voice, no other sound exists. When I breathe you in, I get high. When I taste you, my body only wants you as it's substance. When you touch me, a raging fire runs over my body. I love you so much, when I feel our hearts in your chest, my soul is so irritatingly content, my mind goes crazy. My chest pains just thinking about it. It's empty and I am happy about it. I am in pain. It's illogical."

Ban's loving gaze pierces through your soul. He caresses your face and sweeps a strand of hair behind your ear. Both of his hands land on the sides of your neck.

"My Aphrodite," he says with warm and tender admiration. "I was serious when I said you stole my heart the first night we met... Close your eyes"

You indulge him. Ban takes your right hand and places it firmly on your chest.

"What do you feel?" He whispers in your ear.

"A pulse," you say defeated as you roll your eyes.

"That pulse you feel; that's my heart," he says sincerely. Ban raises your head and pierce through your soul once again. "(Y/N), I love you. Don't ever forget that. The first night we met, I knew, you were mine, forever. I wasn't just some horny idiot trying to get laid. I NEEDED to be with you. My body didn't allow me to go to my room. I NEEDED to be close to you. I, physically, can't control myself around you, because all of me, rests here," he places his hand on your chest. "And that's why you are mine and mine alone. And I am yours, forever. You have to start accepting the facts and fact is, I love you, (Y/N) (L/N). And as long as I'm alive, my heart lives in your chest."

You look at Ban in amazement. He took your breath away. His words has you on the verge of tears. Your body, mind, and soul, now all in sync, in content, as you see your lovers' feelings run just as deep as yours.


He interrupts you with a passionate kiss. His hands caressing your face.

"Let's postpone the punishment..." He breathes against your lips. Ban lifts you into his arms and carries you to bed. He gently places you next to the bed and rips the duvet cover off. He climbs in between the white silk sheets, and you follow. Before you can climb in, he yanks you into a spooning position. His bulging bicep feels like home as you rest your head on his arm.

"I think it's safe to say it's appropriate to use a condom now, Baby Girl," he softly chuckles in your ear from the back. His breath makes you tremble. His fingertips trail over the side of your thighs and hips, leaving goosebumps everywhere it brushed. Ban tenderly kiss your neck, as his fingertips travel to your waist. You moan sensually, while brushing your bum against his manhood. Ban smiles in reaction to your pleasure. Trailing his lips against your skin, his face travels back to your ear.

"Marry me..." He whispers softly.

You gasp in surprise. You turn towards Ban and gape in astonishment. His warm hand caresses your cheek. His smile is sincere.

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