Rehearsal Dinner

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Your eyes scan the parking lot for a Land Rover while climbing out of Elizabeth's Renault. It's nowhere to be found.

"Look," Dianne says and points to a familiar car, "Meliodas' car is here, I'm sure he's with him."

You take a deep breath and nod, placing one foot in front of the other. Your short poofed sweetheart dress sways from side to side as your black stilettos click on the tar toward the restaurant. You decided to wear Ban's favorite color, hoping he will be more loving than what he was during the day. He didn't reply to any of your texts.

Your heart sinks to the bottom of your stomach opening the door. Entering the dimly lit eatery you see most of the sins and detectives sitting around a large light wood table. Big hanging lamps overhead covers the party with a halo of golden light. The table is set to the T. Silver cutlery sits on top of elegantly folded grey serviettes. Crystal clear champagne flutes, wine, and water glasses sit at each seat. Striking long stem protea and pale green leave arrangements decorate the length of the tables. Your eyes follow the arrangements to the head of the table. Ban's sitting there with his chin on his folded hands. It feels like his glare is dematerializing your heart through your stomach.

You muster a smile, greet everyone with a wave and sit at the end of the table. Ban's eyes sit on you. He looks like the object that juxtaposes a cheerful painting in his black suit and skinny tie. There's nothing sexier than Ban in a white-collar shirt, but you glare back at him while the festive crowd's chatter becomes a blur in the background.

It feels like it's only you and Ban sitting at the opposites of the large table. The silence grows deafening as the space between you fills up with the argument of this morning. The distance between you grows bigger as your eyes scream at each other. Ban's stoic glare rips wholes in your soul, leaving you to suffer in pain.

After, what feels like an eternity, an overly friendly waitress walks up to Ban. She practically presses her breasts in his shoulder and whispers something in his ear. He doesn't nudge, he keeps his eyes on you. You're getting irked and give the waitress a death stare, scratching the palm of your right hand. He lifts one finger and gestures for her to back off, but she doesn't and continue to talk to Ban.

"The nerve! Imma slap this bitch," you think. She eventually moves on to Meliodas, but Ban notices you're about to kill someone as you look at her. He smirks when you look back at him.

He gets out of his chair and stands close to the waitress who's leaning over Meliodas, showing him something on the menu.

"Fucker!" you think, "I might just kill him."

He leans over the waitress and places his hand next to hers on the table. She tucks a string of black hair behind her ear and smiles seductively at your Adonis. Ban's smiling and talking to her, he points to something on the menu and she looks down. He looks up and leers at you with a wicked grin. You just glare back with pursed lips, trying to keep your cool as you feel blood boiling up your neck. You feel your eye twitch. He makes a flirty joke and she laughs loudly. He looks back at you and raises an eyebrow.

"Fine! You want a reaction? I'll give you a fucking reaction!" you think.

You jump up and slam your fists on the table! The loud bang silences everyone. All eyes are on you.

Ban looks extremely satisfied.

You smile at your guests, tuck a piece of hair back in place, readjust your dress, and slowly strut with swaying hips towards your man. He straightens out and reaches to you, waiting for you to land in his arms. As you get to the waitress, you sweep your hip to the side and bump her to the side. You dodge Ban's arms and walk towards the bathroom.

He grabs you from behind and wraps his arms tightly around your waist.

Your heart starts to grow back in its cavity as he kisses your neck. Your soul flies to the moon and back in an instant.

"Baby Girl," he purrs. The words land on your skin and runs rampant over your body, looting every piece of stability it can find.


What happened to the fight? To the anger? Rationality? Is this what he does to you? An embrace and two little words; and you're defenseless? He's a warlock using his spells to bewitch your mind, body, and soul.

You turn and jump in his arms. He lifts you in the air. You smile down at him, caressing his cheeks. You're flooded with his love as his eyes pierce through your soul. The silence says everything that needs to be said. When he touches you, all other emotions suffocate and drown, leaving you with only unadulterated love. His love is absolute; peremptory; a wicked spell.

"My Aphrodite, you're as pretty as a picture, tonight," he says, leaning in for a kiss. You grip his cheeks tighter and ferociously make out with him.

Mid-kiss you flick your eyes to the waitress. If looks could kill, she'd be in her grave. You mark your territory, moaning in his mouth, making sure she knows not to come too close. She awkwardly gapes at you, not knowing what to do while the rest of the party also stares.

"Alright, alright," King says, floating to you and pulls the two of you apart. "Nice, you kissed and made up, let's get on with the rehearsal." 

Ban asks Howzer to sit at the end of the table so you can sit next to him. He helps you into your seat. He sits back down and grabs your hand.

"My hand," Ban says, smiling.

"Ban," you say seriously, "I-"

"No, don't say anything. Let's forget about this morning, for now. I want to enjoy the celebrations with you."

"Thank you for understanding, my Love," you say in relief. "I love you."

"I love you too, but I'm not letting go of this," he says sternly and immediately goes back to smiling at you when he's done talking.

You're not too pleased with his obsession, but you can live with it; for now. You don't care about immortality or know how long you have on earth, but the one absolute fact is that you want to spend your life with this crazy bastard.

You gaze at each other while some of the guests are running through their speeches. Only seldomly smiling and chatting with others when your attention is needed. You've never been big on formalities and it looks like Ban feels the same.

Waiters start to serve the food. The waitress who was flirting with your man keeps her distance. Your possessiveness reveals it's ugly face as you glare at her, not noticing the food being served in front of you.

"Don't be jealous, Baby Girl," Ban chuckles.

"What? I'm not jealous!"

"Yeah, right. So that little outburst was what?"

"Hey!" you say, pointing your finger in his face. "You were the one flirting back!"

"I was just trying to get your attention," he says with a charming smile, "I was getting lonely here all by myself."

"Do it again and I'll chop your fucking dick off."

"Yeah?" Ban chuckles as you glare at him. "You're pretty cute when you're jealous."

He grabs your face and pulls you closer. You loudly huff before he gives you a big kiss.

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