The Wedding

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"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along." Rumi

My Dearest Ban

Thought I'd write to you and let you know that I can't wait to walk down the aisle. Baby, my heart's racing. I love you so much. It was weird not waking up next to you and hopefully, this will be the last time. I love you so much. It's been a crazy few months and I can't wait to have the same crazy life together. Every day I wake up so happy, knowing that I have the best damn man by my side. You are my heart, my soul, my very being. I can't wait to be your wife and to fall in love with you more and more each day. To just be yours. You're my best friend, and you taught me what true love is. Your love is so beautiful and powerful, living without it would be a cruel fate. You're my life, Ban. I'm going to stop now, because I can't stop crying.

Yours forever


Ban stands with a goofy grin and stares at the letter. He wipes a tear from his eye while his groomsmen stare curiously at him.

"What did she say, Buddy?" Meliodas asks.

"I love her, man," Ban says and wipes a tear from his eye.

Meliodas and King smiles, and pats Ban on the back, they hand him a beer and cigar and celebrate before the ceremony.


"I'm gonna keep this short and sweet," Ban says looking at the small crowd of guests surrounded by white rose arrangements. The sun breaks through trees and illuminates certain spots with golden rays. Ban's face is shining like a god's as the rays dance on his face.

"Y/N, my Aphrodite, I never imagined in a million years that I would stand at the altar, ready to get married. The night we met, I already knew I loved you and that you have stolen my heart. I just had to steal your heart in return. Baby Girl, you get me. I feel you in my soul. You are truly a goddess sent from heaven to give me light in the darkness, to calm my rapidly moving waters when they get too wild. You give me peace." Ban fidgets with his grey suit, tugging at the collar. He looks at you in admiration as he speaks, his voice cracks trying to fight back the tears. You get lost in his gaze; forgetting about the stunning vineyard; forgetting about the guests; forgetting about everything.

It's just you and Ban.

"My Aphrodite, I promise to love you and stay true to you till the end of time. I vow to make you mine, forever. I promise to love you until you die and beyond that. I will follow your soul to heaven and bring it back, Baby Girl, cause one lifetime is not long enough with you. I love you, my Baby Girl, and I will do everything to protect and cherish that precious heart of yours. I will support your dreams, no matter how crazy they are. I will care for you when you are sick and carry you when you're tired. (Y/N), you are the most beautiful creature to have ever existed. My Aphrodite. Mine. I wonder every day, how does she love me and just accept me as is? Then I feel thankful for your unconditional love. I am so in love with you, (Y/N). I love you, now and always. Infinitely."

He sighs and smiles as he puts the vows back in his pocket. You adoringly smile at him as he wipes a tear from your cheek. Escanor says it's your turn to say your vows. Elizabeth hands the vows to you. You breathe out slowly and loudly, fixing the folds of your wedding dress. You take a deep breath and gaze at your Adonis.

"My Ban, my one, and only. When we first met, I felt an instant connection. I tried to run away from it, I was so scared to love, but you broke down my walls. Rumi says that lovers don't eventually meet somewhere, they're in each other all along. I learnt the truth in those words, because I couldn't help but fall deeply and madly inlove with you. My heart lies in your chest, it's yours, my Adonis," you say placing your hand on his chest. He places his hand on your chest and mouths that his heart is yours. You get lost in his eyes for a moment, but recompose yourself and continue.

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