Traitor 🔪 || 5-2-20

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{Okay, explanation. This shot is gonna have PLENTY of angst. This is, in all honesty, based off the Eddsworld Traitor AU.  Basically, Kokichi runs D.I.C.E and shit, but like, Shuichi and Rantaro are part of D.I.C.E. Weird, I know, but it hasta be like that. Anyway, there's like, a mole who gets Kokichi in trouble and Kokichi decides to punish the mole and yeah. This'll probably be a long shot, but like, all's well in angst! K bye. Also, if i get the d.i.c.e members' names wrong, forgive me because i tried looking for their names and I couldn't find them sob- Oh and trigger warnings: blood, abuse, torture, death, etc.}

It's been a few years since Shuichi's leader, Kokichi, welcomed him to D.I.C.E. He was reluctant at first, but it was the only place Shuichi could go. His uncle's place burnt down due to faulty wiring, and Shuichi had just learned that his uncle hadn't made it out in time. He was alone, cold and shivering, his only clothing being scorched sweatpants and a t-shirt. But, he met Ouma and the small purple haired male welcomed him. He joined and soon warmed up to everyone. They were all just a bunch of dorks trying to survive. Though, there was one member who was like the father to everyone. His name was Rantaro. He said he grew up with a bunch of sisters, so he was used to taking care of the others. He cooked, cleaned, and even let members who had nightmares sleep in Rantaro's bed. Shuichi admired Rantaro. Though, the members enjoyed Shuichi too. He was smart and caring. Kokichi even called him the mother and Rantaro the father. Shuichi didn't mind the teasing, he thought it was cute in a way. It was nice to know people looked up to him.

But, it can be annoying. Just like when a member, Chiasa, burst into Shuichi's room, snot and tears running down her face. "MOOOOOOOM!" Shuichi stared at Chi, a confused look on his face. "What now..." Shuichi said as he stood, walking to Chi. "Y-Yume.... Yume stole the last Panta that I was gonna d-drink...." Shuichi groaned. "Go get Rantaro, we'll go grocery shopping. Anything else you want?" Chi smiled. "Uhhh... Chocolate, Mochi, Chips, pop tarts, and-" Chi smiled, placing a finger on her chin. "Nothing healthy?" Shuichi asked, clicking his pen. He had wrote down Chi's requests. "What? Ew, no!" She shook her head, her brow furrowed. Shuichi sighed. "Whatever. Just go get Rantaro." Chi nodded and ran off, a pep in her step. Shuichi stood and walked into the living room, where the other members sat. "I'm going grocery shopping with Rantaro. Want anything?" A few members turned, smiling. "Ooo~ Mom's gonna get some alone time with Daaad~" One cooed. His name was Kaori. Shuichi rolled his eyes and tossed a piece of paper at his head, shutting him up. "I want pringles." Yume said, sipping the Panta. "Get more of that instant ramen! That stuff is yummy!" Masaki said, a smile plastered on her face. Shuichi wrote them down, taking other requests. Soon, the whole page was filled with food and drink orders. After taking them, Rantaro entered the room. He walked to Shuichi and smiled. "You needed me?" Shuichi nodded. "We're going shopping, we're low on snacks. I wanted you to come along to pick something for dinner." Rantaro nodded, a grin on his face. Then, a whistle sounded from the doorway, making Rantaro and Shuichi turn. "You already sound like a married couple, nishishi!" Kokichi snickered, flopping himself on the couch next to Yume. "Want anything, Ouma?" Shuichi asked. The male smiled and thought. "How about some grapes?" Shuichi raised a brow. "Really?" Kokichi only laughed. "Nishishishi! That was a lie! I don't want fruit! And besides, you look like you got the whole grocery store written down, so... and we poor as fuck." Ouma said, getting an elbow from Yume. "Oww! What?" Shuichi laughed a bit and grabbed his coat, heading towards the door. Rantaro waved and followed Shuichi, the two heading out.

While walking, Shuichi stared at the ground. "Hey, Shuichi?" He heard Rantaro's voice call. He looked up, tilting his hat up to see Rantaro clearer. "Thanks for inviting me... As cheesy as this sounds, I really like hanging out with you. I want you to know that." Shuichi turned red and looked back down. "Y-Yeah... M-Me too..." He stuttered, gripping the notebook in his hands. Rantaro smiled and placed an arm over Shuichi's shoulder. "Hey... We have some time, mind if I talk to you?" Shuichi nodded and the two stopped, sitting at a nearby bench. Shuichi looked up at Rantaro, a smile on his face. "Look, I don't mean to be awkward, but.... I just wanted to say that I really like you and... It's alright if you don't feel the same, I just wanted to let you know." Shuichi stared at Rantaro, his face bright red. "I-I um.... I- You- Me- I-" Welp. Rantaro broke him. Rantaro laughed. He continued to laugh for a while. Shuichi smiled as well. When Rantaro calmed down, Shuichi started to speak. "Look, I feel the same, it was just sudden. Sorry." Rantaro shook his head. "No! It's fine. I understand." Shuichi smiled. The two sat in silence for a bit before Rantaro let out another soft chuckle. "Guess we really are the mother and father." He said, glancing at Shuichi. Shuichi let out a soft laugh. "Yeah. It's nice though." Rantaro tilted his head. "I was always an only child... Then, when my uncle passed, I thought I was alone for good... Then, you guys came and... I couldn't have been more grateful..." Shuichi stared at the ground, a few loose tears falling. Rantaro furrowed his brow. "Shuichi, look at me." Rantaro pulled Shuichi up so he was facing the green haired male. Rantaro's gaze looked stern, like he was about to scold Shuichi. "You will never be alone. Me, Kokichi, and everyone from dice will always be there for you. We love you. I love you. I always will.

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