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Y/n  point of view:
These days I don't know what's wrong with my heart, it starts betting fast when I approach to Jimin and I don't know why, I mean he's like my brother but I guess I kinda fall for him but I still don't trust him much or know a lot about him so I need somebody to ask them about him.
I went to Suga and Jungkook and Tae and told them to come with me to my room. Jin and Joonie were in the kitchen minding their own business.
We got to my room.
Me: guys I want to know about Jimin's life.
SG: why tho?
Me: I'll tell you later, so?
JK: his mother is dead since he was 15 years old.
V: his father left him when his mother died.
SG: he got into a depression.
JK: he worked for a Mafia.
V: that Mafia would beat him up everyday.
SG: and he would do his best to make his life worst.
JK: and that Mafia is still alive.
V: that Mafia always wore a mask so like that nobody would recognise him.
SG: that Mafia is our enemy now but the worst thing is he turned out to be his dad.
JK: and he still want to make his life worst.
V: you wanna know why he wants to make his life a living hell?
SG: because Jimin loved the girl that his dad loved no not his mom.
JK: but you.
Me: what?!
V: yes.
SG: and he's still trying to find you.
Me: but I-
JK: don't be scared you're with us.
Me: I wanted to ask you guys too , if I'm in love with him right now should I trust him.
JK: you what?
Me: I love him I still don't know if I should trust him or not.
V: the only thing we know is that Jimin loves you with all his heart.
SG: and I think it will be good for him if you tell him that you love him.
JK: yeah you should tell him.
V: I mean she can trust him right?
SG: she can.
Me: thank you guys for helping me.
Them: you're welcome.
Me: you can go now.
They got out.
I went to my bathroom and toke a shower then went to my closet and wore some new clothes

Then I went to Jimin's room.
I knocked on the door.
JM: come in.
I went in, I saw him setting on the chare , looking at me.
Me: hey.
JM: hey.
Me: I wanted to talk to you for a bit.
JM: yeah sure.
Then he started typing on his laptop.
Me: give me attention I need to tell you something important.
He sight and stopped.
JM: let's sit on the couch then.
Me: ok.
We sat on the couch.
Me: U-um well.
I toke a breath.
Me: iloveyou.
I said super fast.
JM: what?
Me: look I'm shy to say it.
JM: just tell me.
Me: ok, I said I love you.
Jimin was shook.
JM: you do?
Me: yeah I started falling for you day by day.
He kissed me passionately and I didn't hesitate to kiss back.
The kiss was getting hot. He was fighting for entries he licked my lips and bitted  my lower lip, so I give it to him and let him explore. He tasted every inch in my mouth and licked every corner in it. After having our make out session we pulled out,
Me: you're my first boy to kiss my lips.
JM: good to hear.
Me: and you're the first boy that I fell for.
JM: I love you.
Me: I love you too.
JM: do you want to be my girlfriend.
Me: I would love too.
He kissed me again and I kissed back.
JM: And you should go get ready for our first date.
Me: ok babe.
And I went to my room to get ready I wore my clothes And I did my make up

I never did make up before so this is pretty good. Then I went down stairs.
On my way I found the three boys I was talking to.
Them: oh my god! You look pretty!
Me: oh thanks.
V: so where you going?
Me: on a date.
JK: with who?
Me: with park Jimin.
SG: oh my god! Good luck!
Me: thanks.
We laughed.
Me: ok guys got to go bye.
Them: bye.
Then I continued my way.
I got of the house to find my boyfriend waiting for me in the limo.
I went in.
JM: hey baby.
Me: hey.
JM: come sit here.
He patted his lap so I can sit there.
I went to him, but sat next to him,
Me: we're still not that close to each other babe, maybe next time.
He groaned.
JM: fine.
Me: so where we're going?
JM: we're going to the mall.
Me: oh I never been there.
JM: then I'm happy to show you the mall.
He said smiling.
Me: then let me give you a kiss.
I went to him and gave him a kiss on the lips.
He smiled when I kissed him, and he gave me a hug.
The next one is out go check it and don't forget to vote and to check my other stores!
Count of words: 891.

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