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Y/n point of view:
When we got there it was so beautiful, so big and so bright. WOW is this heaven?
Me: oh my god babe thank you for letting me come, I love you.
I jumped happily and kissed him on the cheek.
JM: oh I'm happy that you're happy~
Then we went to shopping!
After a long day we stopped at a coffee.
Then the waitress came. He was a tall male with black hair and brown eyes, he looked young, like younger than me.
WT: hey young lady, how may I help you?
He asked with a wink.
I looked at Jimin he was glaring at him.
Me: I would like to get a hot chocolate coffee, and you chim?
JM: I will get the strongest coffee.
WT: anything for you beautiful lady.
He smiled at me.
Then he went.
JM: I swear if he does thos-
Me: Jimin he was just being friendly.
I said trying to calm him down.
JM: what ever.
He said kinda mad.
After some minutes of chatting the coffees came.
He putted my coffee next to me and Jimin's coffee next to him.
WT: can I get your number cutie?
JM: no.
WT: I'm talking with her not to you, so it's not your business.
JM: it is my business.
WT: excuse me how is it your business?
JM: she's my girlfriend.
WT: oh sorry, I thought you were her brother or friend.
Jimin just glared at him and he went away.
Me: Jimin look it's ok.
JM: he was tryin-
Me: babe I'm only yours.
JM: really baby?
Me: yes really.
We kiss shortly.
Skip time!!
Finally we're home.
I went to take a shower, but Jimin pulled me to him.
Me: yes babe?
JM: can we take a shower together?
Me: uhem but then babe A/N will have to make a smut on the next part.
JM: I mean she can do it right A/N?
A/N: I mean anything for my readers!
I guess already know what's gonna happen next right? Go check it out it's already published, don't forget to vote and to check my other stores! Bye.
I know it's short but I mean three chapters and a smut in a day that's pretty good right?
Count of words: 387.

|kidnapped but I like it| P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now