Episode 5. Beware The Slenderman

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Chris:"last time on Total Drama Returns, the both teams were split into 3 pairs each. They had to participate in a scavenger hunt. Crissie has started treating Mike a bit differently, Mody hates Lee, Charlotte is planning something, and Chef got beat up by Farmer Sam. In the end, it was Rosie who took the flight of shame for the Parrots. Who will go home next, what is Charlotte up to? Is Crissie actually being nice to Mike? Find out right here, right now, on Total...Drama...Returns!"

(Que intro.)

Chris(through megaphone):"campers, it's time for your next challenge!" Mike:"it's like 1:00 am" Sam:"I'm used to waking up early" all campers go outside. Crissie:"why are we up this early?!" Lee:"I'll kick your ass, even this early!" Amy:"oh yeah?!" Chris:"enough, the challenge is to last until 6:00 am without getting captured" Mody:"captured?" Chris:"yes, beware the slenderman, for he will be tracking you down and trying to pick you off one by one, the team with the most amount of players not captured, wins. Your challenge starts now!" Chef picks up Chris with the helicopter and flies away. Mody:"of course he gets a helicopter ride out of here" Amy:"ok team, lets stick together, strength in numbers, right?" Jim:"not like numbers matter against Slenderman" Amy:"that's it, you get a time out for talking back to the team leader" Jim:"team leader?" Amy points to the woods. Jim:"fine" he goes into the woods. Lee:"way to stick together, Amy" Amy:"he deserved it" Jim(in the distance):"ahhh!" Shane and Jordan:"Jim!" Everyone ran away and split up, panicked. Farmer Sam was the only one who didn't run away. Farmer Sam:"i ain't afraid of you!" Slenderman appears in front of Sam, and captures him. Meanwhile Liz and Mody are together, and stopped running to catch their breathe. Liz:"that was...close" Mody:"yeah...too close" Sam(in the distance):"ahhh!" Mody:"oh no, Sam was captured!" Liz:"don't yell, you'll attract his attention" Mody:"right, sorry" Liz:"why do i smell pee?" Mody looks down, and sees his pants are wet.

Mody:"can you blame me? That was scary!"

Mody:"crap, sorry" Liz:"it's fine" Jordan(in the distance):"ahhh!" Liz:"oh no, i think that was Jordan!" Meanwhile Crissie is walking around in the woods, cautiously. Crissie says in her head:"i hope the Mike is ok-no wait, no i don't, i don't care for him one bit, besides, he's on the other team" Crissie looks around. Crissie:"looks like I'm saaaaaa!" She stepped into a trap(made by Slenderman) but was still holding on the top, which was keeping her from falling into a pile of spikes.

Crissie:"traps...really? This is ridiculous, i could've died!"

Crissie's hands started slipping and she was about to fall. Crissie:"oh no, oh no no no no no" she falls in but doesn't land. She looks up and sees Mike grabbing her hand and pulling her up. Mike:"you ok?" Crissie(blushes a bit):"ye-yeah, I'm fine" Mike:"good, you're lucky i was close enough to hear your screams" Crissie:"thanks for saving me...again" Mike:"no problem" Lee and Amy(in the distance):"ahhh!" Crissie:"guess our team leaders are out" Mike:"yep...hey, you wanna stick together?" Crissie:"better than being all alone out here" the two walk around the woods together. Shane ran into Liz and Mody. Liz:"Shane!" She hugs him, and he blushes. Shane:"i think we should stick together, strength in numbers" Liz:"sure, but what happened to Jordan?" Shane:"he got caught" Mody:"what if we fight Slenderman?" Shane:"what?! Are you crazy?!" Mody:"c'mon we outnumber him 3-1, we have the advantage"

Mody:"i don't know why, but i started feeling brave and bold for a moment...weird"

Liz:"but Slenderman is very tall...and powerful" Mody:"you're right...how about a trap?" Shane:"dude, Slenderman would just teleport" Mody:"if it is the real Slenderman, think about it, it's probably an actor in a suit" Liz:"hey, maybe you're right" Shane:"also...why do i smell pee?" Mody:"you're just smelling things!" After some time, they make a floor trap and wait for Slenderman. Mody:"now to call for him" Mody:"hey Slenderman, come out and show yourself you oversized mannequin!" Liz:"isn't that a bit mean?" Mody:"oh c'mon it's Slenderman, who cares. I don't, he made me pee my pants!" Liz and Shane looked terrified and were pointing behind Mody. Mody:"what? What is it?" He turns around and is face to face with Slenderman. Mody(his scream sounds like a little girl's):"ahhh!" Mike:"was that Liz?" Crissie:"maybe Charlotte?" Mike:"or maybe Mody?" The two laugh a bit at Mike's joke. Liz and Shane(in the distance):"ahhh!" Mike:"i think I'm the only one left on my team" Crissie:"i think i am too...besides Charlotte" the two talk while walking through the woods, and eventually time runs out. Chef comes in, flying the helicopter and dropping off Chris. Chris(through megaphone):"campers! It is officially 6:00 am! Meet me at the mess hall!" Charlotte, Crissie, and Mike go to the mess hall. Chris:"so it's just you three, in that case...The Eagles win!...again" Slenderman comes into the mess hall and yeets the players he captured in. Chris:"Parrots, I'll see you at the campfire...again" Mody:"dang it" later in the mess hall...Mody:"ok, we lost Rosie, so who do we vote for now?"

Mody:"i don't know who to vote out without Rosie, dang it, why did she have to leave?" Liz whispers into Mike's ear, and he laughs a bit. Crissie saw the two, and couldn't help but feel something deep inside.

Crissie:"i don't like him...but, i don't like him with Liz"

Liz:"i think Mike and i are becoming really good friends, maybe i should ask him to join my alliance with Shane and Jordan"

At the campfire...Chris:"3 losses in a row...sucks to be you, cast your votes so we can see who goes home"

Farmer Sam:"i vote the weak one out"

Lee:"sorry, but you literally ran towards Slenderman"

Liz:"I'm with Mike on this one"

Mike:"this hurts me more then it's gonna hurt you"

Mody:"Mike suggested you, so sorry"

Chris:"you have all cast your votes, the first person safe is...Mike" Mike:"nice" Chris:"Liz" Liz:"yes!" She high fives Mike. Chris:"Lee" Lee:"i knew i wasn't going home" Chris:"Mody...Sam...one of you two is going home..." Mody was shaking, and Sam looked a bit worried. Chris:"with the score 4-1, the camper going home is...

...Sam" Sam:"noo!" Chris:"the flight of shame awaits" Chef shoots Sam with a taser gun and yeets him into the helicopter. Chris:"yeesh...who will go home next? Will Mody pee his pants again?" Mody:"hey!" Chris:"find out next time on Total...Drama...Returns!"

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