Episode 7. You Regatta Be Kidding Me...Again

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Chris:"last time on total drama returns, the teams had to rescue three women and a baby-" Mody(in the background):"hey!" Chris:"hehehe, anyway, Mike and Crissie admitted having feelings for each other...but not to each other. Mike left Mody on the castle to rescue Crissie, the parrots finally won a challenge, and Jim was sent home by the eagles. Who will go home next? Will Mike and Crissie admit confess to each other? What's gonna happen when the teams merge today? Find out right here, right now, on Total...Drama...Returns!"

(Que Intro.)

Everyone was at the mess hall early, Chris had told them that he had a special announcement. Jordan:"what do you think this is about?" Shane:"if i had to take a guess, I'd say merge" Chris:"you are correct Shane! Starting today, there are no teams! It's every man and woman for themselves!" Crissie and Mike look at each other and smile. Shane looks over at Liz and smiles. Chris:"as for the challenge, you'll have to race around the island on boats, rafts, basically whatever you can find. First person...or group, to make it all the way around wins immunity, meaning you can't vote that person...or people, off, now go!" The campers head to the dock and try to grab all the good stuff before anyone else does. Amy gets on the speedboat, Lee gets on a water get on a watercraft, Charlotte gets on a small sailboat, Mike and Crissie get on a canoe, Shane, Liz, and Jordan get on a raft, and Mody gets on a surfboard. The campers take off with Amy in the lead, and Mody in last place. Lee:"I'll beat you like i did last time!" Amy:"I'd like to see you try!" Charlotte looked a bit ticked off.

Charlotte:"dammit! Why did we have to merge?! I was planning on sabotaging today's challenge and then tell the team about Crissie and her boyfriend, therefore voting her off and getting rid of a threat. Now that doesn't matter anymore since there are no teams"

Mike and Crissie were paddling in the canoe behind Charlotte. Mike:"you know, a lot of couples go on a date in canoes...kinda romantic don't you think?" Crissie:"yeah...now keep paddling, we have a challenge to win!" Mike:"yes ma'am"

Mike:"man I'm an idiot, why would i say something like that? Especially during a challenge!"

Crissie:"although it's romantic, it's a competition, and the competition always comes first. I'm not trying to lose, and if we make it obvious we're into each other, we'll have targets on our backs"

Jordan:"this is great, we're all on the same team now" Shane:"well, it's more of a trio than a team, but it does feel good to be on the same side" Liz:"yeah, i kinda missed you guys" she looks at Shane and blushes a bit.

Liz:"i might have a bit of a crush on Shane, but i can't help it, he's nice, a great and loyal friend, he's mature, funny, and he has a job"

Shane:"finally, i was hoping to strengthen my bond with Liz, but then we were put on different teams. Now that it's merge, i can hang out with her more, and we can get closer"

Confessional:"I've seen how Shane is around Liz, it's obvious he likes her, and since were good friends, I'm gonna help him out, I'm gonna be his wingman and the third wheel to their date"

Jordan(whispers to Shane):"you gonna make a move on her?" Shane(whispers to Jordan):"you knew?" Jordan nodded. Jordan(whispers to Shane):"I'll try to help you get with her as much as i can" Shane(whispers to Jordan):"thanks man, you're a good friend" the two fist bump. Jordan walks over to Liz. Jordan(whispers to Liz):"hey Liz, what do you think about Shane?" Liz(whispers to Jordan):"i think he's cool, he's a nice and good guy...i might have a crush on him" Jordan(whispers to Liz):"that's awesome because-" BOOM! An explosion went off behind them. Shane:"what the?!" Chris(through megaphone):"oh yeah, forgot to mention there are traps all around the island(in the water), hehehe" Mody was sent into the air by the explosion. Liz:"lets just talk about this later" Jordan nodded and the three used the paddles they had to try to catch up to the others. Meanwhile, Lee crashes his watercraft into Amy's speedboat. Lee and Amy were fighting over control of the speedboat, and while they were distracted, they didn't see a huge rock up ahead. They crash into it and the speedboat sinks. Charlotte, Mike, and Crissie pass them, and so do Shane, Liz, and Jordan. Mody was also right behind them, floating on the destroyed surfboard. Charlotte stopped moving all of a sudden, letting the others pass her. She then dived into the water and came back with some bombs she carefully got. After that, she started sailing again. Mike:"i think we're in the lead" Crissie:"yeah, now lets hope we kewp it that way" Charlotte threw bombs at the campers in front of her and waited for them to go down. Jordan saw a bomb heading towards them. Jordan:"look out!!" He dived into the water, and Shane picked up Liz and quickly jumped into the water. BOOM! The raft was gone and Charlotte:"oh my god, are you ok?! What happened to you?!" Jordan:"i think were fine" Charlotte:"man, i didn't think Mody would have the balls to do something like that" Shane:"Mody did this?!" Charlotte:"well I'm just guessing, the bombs came from behind me, and only Mody was behind me, anyway, i wish i could help, but this is a challenge so sorry" she passed them and threw a bomb at Mike and Crissie. Mike saw it and hit it with the paddle he was holding, sending it back in the air. It exploded right before it made contact with Charlotte's sailboat. Crissie:"nice reflexes Mike" Mike:"thanks" Charlotte then came up with a very risky idea. She dived into the water and planted all of the bombs she had left, behind and under the sailboat. The bombs went off and propelled her way ahead in the race around the island, she was in the air, and passed Mike and Crissie. She even went over the finish line and crashed into some trees. Chris:"well then, we know what that means...Charlotte wins!" Mike and Crissie just got on the dock. Mike and Crissie:"dammit!" Amy and Lee swim to the dock after, and eventually everyone crosses the finish line. Chris:"everyone go to the mess hall, Chef prepared a victory meal for Charlotte since she won the first merged challenge, and i want to torture you all by making you watch her eat her victory meal while you all get served the usual, hehehe" once everyone is in the mess hall, everyone is forced to watch Charlotte eat her victory meal.

Charlotte:"this day couldn't have been any better, i win the challenge and make Mody and enemy so that no one focuses on me, and that food was amazing!"

Liz:"hey Shane, thanks for saving me back there. I froze up, and if you hadn't saved me, i could've died" Shane:"no problem Liz, I'd do anything for you" Charlotte's ears perk up as she overheard what Shane had just said.


Everyone is at the elimination ceremony. Chris:"as you all know, Charlotte won immunity, meaning you can't vote for her. Now cast your votes"

Lee:"sorry, I'm not sorry"

Liz:"you almost killed me!"

Mike:"I'm just gonna guess on this one"

Mody:"sorry man, but you're alliance would be threatening"

Shane:"you almost killed my girlfriend!...i mean, uhh-friend!"

Jordan:"you're crazy"

Charlotte:"i was planning on using you more, but you have no use for me anymore"

Amy:"you're expendable"

Crissie:"since i can't vote for Charlotte, i guess you"

Chris:"the votes are in, the following players, besides Charlotte, are safe...Liz, Shane, Lee, Amy, Crissie, and Mike" Chris hands them their marshmallows. Mody and Jordan were both looking nervous. Chris:"Mody...Jordan...one of you will go home, but just know that personally, I'm proud of the two of you for making it to the merge" Jordan:"really?" Chris:"nope, i was just joking, hahaha!" Mody:"this isn't funny, this is scary!" Mike:"and making jokes is my job" Chris:"alright, alright, the player going home is...

...Jordan" Shane and Liz:"no!" Chris tosses the marshmallow to Mody. Chris:"Jordan, the flight of shame awaits" Shane:"dammit, we were supposed to stick together till the end" Jordan:"it's alright, the chances of us making it to the final three were slim anyway, one of us was bound to be eliminated before that, and i would rather it has been me anyway. Thanks for being my friends" the three group hug. Jordan:"oh and won more thing..." Jordan(whispers to Shane's ear):"she feels the same way about you, so just do it" Shane blushes a bit and  Jordan gets in the chopper. Jordan:"i hope one of you two win!" Chef then flies Jordan away. Chris:"who will go home next? Will Shane finally take his shot? Will Charlotte get away with everything? Will Mody go home next time after the bombs? Find out next time, on Total...Drama...Returns!"

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