Episode 8. All You Can Eat Bu-Fate

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Chris:"last time on total drama returns. The teams were no longer, as it was finally time to merge them. The first merged challenge was to race around the island, and in the end Charlotte won immunity while at the same time, framing Mody of throwing bombs at the other players, which was awesome! In the end, it was Jordan who was sent home, but not before telling Shane to ask out Liz, because she feels the same way...he was the best wingman and/or friend you could ask for. Who will go home next? Will Shane finally ask out Liz? Will Charlotte get caught? Find out right here, right now, on Total...Drama...Returns!"

(Que Intro.)

Everyone is still sleeping until a siren goes off. Mike:"what the heck?!" Shane:"guess it's challenge time, lets go" Mike:"someone's excited, is there a reason why?" Shane:"yeah, there is, today is the day i get to ask out Liz" Mike:"wow, you've got balls man, but why tell a stranger like me that?" Shane:"well, since Liz and i lost Jordan last night, we were thinking of adding a new member to our alliance, and based on what Liz has told me about you, i think i can trust you. So do you wanna join?" Mike:"normally, I'd say yes, but I'm already in an alliance with someone else, and she's not letting anyone else in"

Mike:"well, she is a bit overcompetitive, so i can see why she wouldn't want to join an alliance or gain anymore members. I'm happy for Shane, though...maybe i can grow some balls to ask out Crissie. Nice to know Liz talks good about me"

Shane:"it's alright, i won't force you to join" Mike:"well, good luck dude" Shane:"thanks, you too. I'm think Crissie is into you too" Mike says in his head:"how did he know i liked Crissie?"

Shane:"it was pretty obvious they like each other"

Everyone goes to the mess hall. Charlotte:"where's the food?! I'm starving!" Mike:"yo, chill. I'm sure Chef will be here any second" Charlotte:"I'm sorry, was i talking to you? I didn't think so, now go back to telling bad jokes and thinking about how lonely you are" Mike:"harsh" Crissie:"what did you say?" Charlotte:"why do you care, i wasn't talking to you" Crissie was pissed and punched Charlotte so hard in the face she knocked a tooth out. Lee and Amy:"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" Liz:"please don't fight" Shane:"yeah, besides, it's too early to fight anyways" Crissie:"fine" Mike:"wow, no one's punched someone in the face for me" Crissie:"well, i couldn't ignore what she said about you" Mike:"aww, thanks" Crissie:"and i think you tell...decent jokes" Mike:"I'll take it" Mody(under the table):"is the fight over?" Shane:"hey Liz, so i was wondering if-" Chef:"everyone shut the hell up and sit down!" Charlotte:"finally, where were you?! I'm starving" Chef:"oh don't worry, you'll all eat soon, hehehe" Lee:"where's Chris?" Chef:"don't worry about it, I'm in charge of the challenge today!" Amy:"what's the challenge?" Chef:"for today's challenge, you will each be pitted against someone, tournament style. I will serve you food, and whoever eats the most before time is up moves on, whoever wins in the finals, will win immunity. If you puke, the other person moves on. Now, for the first match...Lee vs Shane. The two sit next to each other waiting for Chef to bring them their food. Shane(says nervously):"may the best man win, hehe" Lee:"whatever man, I'm gonna win" Chef comes out with two plated with cloches over them. He takes them off revealing a pizza with a green crust, blue sauce, purple pepperoni, and expired cheese. Lee:"what the hell is this?!" Chef:"some pizza with random ingredients i found. You will both have a minute to eat your slice, starting now" the two start to eat, and the struggle is real. Chef:"time's up, drop your food!" The two boys drop their slice, and chef examines them. Chef:"the winner of this round is...Shane!" Lee:"dammit!"

Shane:"that was disgusting, i never thought I'd say this but, i miss my pizza place, at least we make decent pizza"

Chef:"next up...Mody vs Amy" the two sit next to each other and wait for the food. Amy:"i gotta say, i thought you were weak, but i heard about what you did during our last challenge, i never thought you'd try to kill people. Mody:"what are you talking about?" Amy:"after Lee goes home, I'm voting for you" Mody gulps and Chef comes in with the food, but before he revealed the food, Mody threw up. Chef:"oh...i guess Amy wins!"

Mody:"i threw up because i was nervous, Amy is trying to get me out, and she could easily convince everyone else, I'm very scared, what did i even do?!"

Chef:"next up, Liz vs Charlotte! Which means next up after them is Crissie vs Mike!" Mike:"dammit" Crissie:"shit" Liz and Charlotte sit next to each other and wait for their food. Liz:"are you sure you can eat? You did just have a tooth knocked out of you" Charlotte:"I'm fine, worry about yourself, I'm gonna crush you" Chef comes in with the food. He reveals the dish. Chef:"chocolate chip cookies...with crushed up tarantulas...begin" the two girls start eating the cookies, but Charlotte can barely eat because of the pain from her tooth being knocked out. Chef:"time's up! Liz wins!" Charlotte:"this is so not fair, disqualify Crissie, i couldn't eat because of her!" Chef:"just shut your ass up and go sit at the loser table" he points at a table with Lee and Mody. Lee:"hey, i am not a loser!" Mody:"but you did lose the chall-" Lee tackled him and started beating him up. Charlotte rolls her eyes and says:"animals" Mike and Crissie sit next to each other and wait for the food. Mike:"well, this isn't very romantic" Crissie:"uhh, why would you think it is?" Mike:"no reason"

Crissie:"i know he likes me, and i like him, but i can't let a boy get in the way of the money"

Chef comes in with the food and reveals it. It was spaghetti but with worms, and Crissie almost threw up. Chef:"start!" Mike and Crissie start to eat.

Mike:"i decided to throw the challenge for Crissie"

Mike stopped eating, and Crissie continued. Chef:"time's up!...Crissie wins!" Chef:"Shane vs Amy!" The two sit next to each other and get ready...mentally. Chef comes in and reveals the dish. It was a lamb brain sandwich. They ate until Amy threw up. Chef:"Shane wins! Next up, Liz vs Crissie!" Liz and Crissie sit next to each other and wait for the food. Chef comes in with the food, and reveals it to be sushi...with cockroaches. Crissie instantly throws up, giving the win to Liz. Chef:"last match, Shane vs Liz" Shane and Liz sit next to each other, waiting for the food. Shane:"this is great, one of us is gonna win the challenge" Liz:"yeah, I'm proud of us both" Chef comes in with the final dish. Chef:"begin!" The dish was bull testicles and Shane throws up. Chef:"Liz wins immunity! And since you already ate, lets just get straight into elimination.

Lee:"it's obvious who I'm voting for"

Liz:"you're rude"

Mike:"I'm voting randomly again"

Mody:"sorry, but I'm still not over you throwing me...and beating me up today"

Shane:"you were too cocky today"

Charlotte:"you are a threat"

Amy:"first you, then Mody"

Crissie:"this is for what you said about Mike"

Chris walks to the elimination ceremony. Chris:"how's everyone been?!" Mody:"why did you leave us with Chef?" Chris:"why not?"Mike:"dude, you ok? It looks like it hurts to talk, Lee got you pretty good" Mody:"I'm fine"(forgot to mention, he was pretty messed up from the fight) Chris:"well, the following campers are safe...Mody, Shane, Liz, and Mike" He tosses them their marshmallows and turns to Chef. Chris:"did you tell them?" Chef:"nope, hehehe" Chris:"good" Crissie:"what are you talking about?" Chris:"i might as well tell you now...this was a double elimination challenge!" Crissie, Charlotte, Amy, and Lee:"what?!" Chris:"with a score 1-1-3-3, the two campers going home are...

...Lee and Amy" he tosses marshmallows to Crissie and Charlotte. Lee:"this is bullshit!" Amy:"yeah, this is unfair!" Shane:"since Jim isn't here, I'll say this for him...on this show, what isn't unfair" Mike:"that was a pretty good impression of Jim" Shane:"thanks" Chef picks up Lee and Amy and yeets them into the chopper and flies them away. Chris:"who will go home next? Is Mody safe? Who will grow their balls first, Shane or Mike? Find out next time, on total...drama...returns!"

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