Prologue #0: Pretty Awesome, Huh?

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Baki, Kengan Asura and My Hero Academia belong to their respective authors and publishers.



Complete silence.

Totally heartbreaking silence.

Despite the cacophony of sounds around him, be them the screams, sirens, the comings and goings of the various firemen, policemen, paramedics and Heroes, the only sound that three-year-old Izuku Midoriya was able to register was that of his own breath. His gaze was fixed on the toy he held in his hands: an action figure of All Might, his favorite Hero. 

It was a present from his parents. They bought it as a consolation gift after that fateful day at the doctor's office. 

The day he most likely received the worst news of his life. 

The day his life most likely started to fall apart. 

The day he discovered he was Quirkless

"Mom... dad..." 

Finally he looked up and glanced at the mall, or what was left of it, in front of him. They had gone there for a family outing. His parents were trying to cheer up their little green bean by showing him around the various Hero merchandise shops. 

It had worked. 

Izuku finally smiled and laughed after too long, having fun like never before with his parents, Inko and Hisashi, who were utterly delighted to see their son so exuberant and carefree. 

But it didn't last long. 

None of the three knew exactly what happened. The only thing they registered was the huge explosion (or explosions?) That shook the whole mall. From then on, Izuku had a hard time remembering what happened next.


He found himself in the parking lot, where his father gently placed him on the ground. 



Hisashi put his hands on his son's cheeks, forcing him to look at his face. 

"Izuku, sweetie, listen to me! It's not safe inside, but your mother needs me! Stay here and don't move, I'll be back as soon as possible, do you understand?! You absolutely don't have to-"

Hisashi flinched, and fell to his knees. Instinctively he reached for his right side, noticing only now the nasty wound he had there. His shirt, which was previously pristine white, was slowly soaking in red. 


Hisashi hissed through clenched teeth, and turned to his son, now in tears. 

"Izuku, do you understand?! You have to stay here and not move for any reason! Do you understand?!" 

The father's tone became more and more desperate, as was his son. 

"But d-daddy, you're h-hurt! Y-you can't go back in there! Let the p-police or the Heroes handle it! Don't leave me, please!" 

"Izuku, you-" 


"Don't argue with me, Izuku! Not now!" 


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