Omake #1: Preparations

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Baki, Kengan Asura and My Hero Academia belong to their respective authors and publishers.


"Aaaaaand it's done!"

Niko stretched, causing several joints to crack. How long had he been sitting on the counter writing?






Ah right, since he put Izuku to sleep early in the afternoon.

The boy's emotional outburst had completely drained him of all energy. After finishing his katsudon (after reheating it, since it had gone cold by the time they finished talking), Izuku yawned loudly and Niko took him to one of the free rooms upstairs to finally let him rest properly.

"Mhm, he will need clothes of his size and some furniture..."

Niko was exuberant. Izuku had accepted his offer to become his student and learn the Niko Style. And he had also agreed to be adopted by him in the process.

"A son, huh...?"

Just the thought made Niko grin like an idiot.

"I did. I did it, Gaoh-sensei... I finally found him..."

But he stopped immediately when he started thinking about Izuku's current situation.

The orphanage. 

He frowned.



Niko looked into his hand, the source of that weird sound, and noticed the pencil he had just used to write snapped in half.

"Ah, shit..."

Niko got up to throw the pencil into the trash bin, and a stroke of genius came to him. He went back to the counter to sit down, then took his cell phone out of his pocket and started typing a number. He waited a few minutes before someone picked up.







"Hello, Hideki Nogi speaking. Who am I talking to?"

"The strongest, smartest and most handsome man in the history of Japan!"

"Really, now? You sure don't sound like Hayao Miyazaki to me."


Niko gripped his chest, as if he had just been skewered.

"You're harsh, old man!"

"Only when I need to. Now, Tokita-kun, you have about a minute to tell me why you're calling me this late in the middle of the night before I destroy my cell phone and change number. Again."

"You haven't lost your charm... Anyway, I just wanted to share some great news! And you're also the first to know, so be grateful!"

Hideki sighed audibly.

"You don't say... Has Akoya-kun finally found a loophole in the system to throw you behind bars for the rest of your life?"

"Nah, not yet, but I think he's close..."

"Alright then, enlighten me. And quickly."

Nogi clearly sounded irritated and impatient.

"I became a father!"







On the other side, there was an audible thud, as if something (or someone) had heavily fallen on the ground.

"C-Come again...?"

"Crazy, isn't it? And this brings us to the real reason for the call, old man."

Niko grinned.






"How would you feel about buying an orphanage and firing the entire staff?"



Ah yes, omakes. Do you like omakes? I like omakes. Especially wholesome ones.

Also, thanks for all those who reviewed and supported this story! This is my very first story and I was (and still am...) a nervous wreck when writing, so really, thank you so much! From now, the Author's Notes will be at the end of the story.

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