Chapter 44

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Sanctuary welcomed them, celebrating Nora's return with drink and food. An hour into the festivities, Nora caught Cait and MacCready toasting and laughing together, and a smile split her face. Then her eyes fell on Danse as he walked out of the bar. She excused herself from speaking with Marcy and Jun and followed him out into the street.

"Danse," Nora called as she caught up with him. "Are you all right?"

"I... just need some quiet." His eyes were dark as he met her gaze. "I don't feel like celebrating."

"Yeah... I understand. Do you want to be left alone, or can I keep you company?"

The corners of his mouth twitched up in a slight smile. "Is there some work to do? I'd like to keep my mind busy."

"Let's check the workshop. I didn't see Sturges in the bar. He might have something for us." Nora patted the man on the back and led him to the house across the street from hers. Her power armour that Maxson had given her still sat in the armour rack, pulled apart. "Sturges?"

"Yo! Nora! I'm just getting this data ready for you!" he called from the back of the house.

"It's fine, no rush. You should take this time to go relax!" Nora glared at the man as he emerged from his room, papers and a holotape in hand.

"I'll go, I'll go. Here," he said as he handed Nora the items. "Do you want me to run through this with you?"

"No, Danse and I have it. Thank-you." She gave the man a side-armed hug and patted him on the shoulder. "Go have fun. Relax. You've earned it."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

"Come on," Nora said as she led the way to her house. Inside, they found an arrangement of gifts on the diner table and island. "Oh... but why?" She set the items in her arms on the coffee table as Danse watched her walk to the gifts and stare. "My gosh... there's everything from canned vegetables to... what is this?!" A massive gauntlet with hydraulics and spikes sat on the counter.

"That's a power fist," Danse said, picking it up and sliding it onto his forearm, gripping the handle inside. "These are incredibly dangerous in close quarter combat." He extended his arm out and the hydraulics pushed the spikes forward in a massive burst before retracting.

"Geez..." Nora muttered as Danse removed the weapon and set it back. "Who would give me that? And why?! What's all this for?"

"I suppose they're grateful you came back from the Institute alive," Danse suggested, moving to the couch and taking a piece of paper into his hand.

Betrayal lanced through Nora's heart as she remembered what Danse had done when he had seen her since emerging from the Institute. She sat down next to him and took the holotape in her hand, staring at it. "You stole the data and took it back to the Prydwen."

His hand clenched and wrinkled the paper as he turned to her. "I'm sorry."

"Why did you do it?"

Danse's eyes fell to his lap, his shoulders stooping. "I was under orders to come back with more than a report this time. No matter the cost..."

"Why didn't you tell me that in the first place?" Nora sighed, reaching out and resting her hand on his shoulder. "When I told you you're family, I meant it."

He shook his head. "I didn't want you to be compromised on my behalf... and, frankly, I wasn't sure I believed you. Not fully."

Subdued, Nora wrapped an arm around him and hugged him, resisting the urge to pet his hair. "Do you believe me now?"

With a snort, he nodded. "Closer to it, anyway."

Nora elbowed him, set the holotape on the table, and picked up a page. They worked on the information for some time, and they settled on a conclusion. "There's a way into the Institute."

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