Early Meet

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The sun began to peek from the eastern horizon, emitting bright light, the chirping of loud birds, plus the cold air enveloping the body, did not want my feet to rush to welcome the morning, I just wanted to continue and arrange a beautiful dream.

Sunday, February 12, I was preoccupied with a group of college assignments that were increasingly piled up until I lay in bed resting for a moment tired in my body. At that time I was working on a study and deliberately I was looking for references from the news that I read.

Tut tut tut (my mobile notification)
My eyes
see a mobile notification, which says, "Bagaskara sent a message",
There is a curiosity in this heart, I do not know him but for some reason both my eyes and fingers are eager to see and reply to a message from him.

"Assalamualaikum," he said

"Walaikumsallam" I answered with a normal expression.

" may I know you?" bagaskara asked me
"Yes, please," I replied.
"my name is bagaskara, East Java" Bagaskara introduced himself.
"I'll just call it Lita, Bandung," I said. ( without expression)
"May I have your cellphone number? So we are closer," said Bagaskara.

"082 +++++++" without thinking, I gave my cellphone number to bagas.

..... They continue chatting on WhatsApp .............

That was the beginning of my acquaintance until I felt closer and closer. Time feels very fast and the day begins to change, as the status of our relationship changes, until we do not realize that we have become more serious in undergoing a relationship.

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