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Commitment to me is a promise of two pairs of lovers to take care of each other's hearts, but I never knew how the commitment would end. At that time I just surrendered and tried to maintain a relationship, the beauty of a bad relationship we run but the decisive god.

Until 20 February we officially committed to guarding each other's hearts. Day after day we went through but we did not even meet because of the duties and obligations that he had to carry out for 4 years and my duty as a student in one of the state universities in Bandung that was increasingly piling up. Only with a cellphone can we meet face-to-face, pay attention to each other's smiles, laugh as if there would be no problem in our relationship and wait for news that we are in good condition. That's all we can do right now, and even that makes me much calmer.

However, sometimes he was like rain, came without anyone asking and then left without asking. I can only pray and wait for good news from him who is far away. For now my best friend is silence and longing, yes that yearning is increasingly frozen and we haven't had time to thaw yet.

Until, our relationship runs like a swift river water. One, two, three months to a year we have been through with a relationship that does not meet each other, which only release homesick through online messages and video calls. However, I have never complained about the condition of our relationship today, grateful that is the key to a relationship.

... Up to one year we have a relationship ...

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