special day

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February 20, 2018

Whether to be happy or sad, I really want to be with him, to celebrate our second Anniversary.  However, I realize he is not a man who can easily be with his girlfriend at any time.  He is just a man who is always limited by the rules and duties of the state, maybe I should be more patient in enduring this situation.

That day he with all his busyness could not contact me, I wrote a short message for him.  Indeed he did not read it right away, it took days for him to read my message.  (he can only open his cellphone once a week)

"Assalamualaikum, my commander, how are you today? I hope you are always in good condition, oh yes, do you remember what day is today? Yes right, today is our 2nd Anniversary. Thank you for your two years.  hold on to me, I hope our relationship will remain good, lasting forever, dear, I hope we are also strong LDR, quickly graduated yes dear, success continues for you 😍, yes, you are the one who has enthusiasm. Don't forget the prayer, yes, respectfully love u❤️😚🤗  .

........ One week later.........

Today he got a cruise, he deliberately came to Bandung to meet me, I was very happy to be with him even though it was not long 😢.

Tok ... Tok .... Tok Assalamualaikum (looks like bagaskara has arrived).

Walaikumsallam ". Answer lita
"Bagas you enter first, I'll call Mama".  Said lita
"Hello Nak Bagas, how are you?"  Mama Lita
"Thank God, healthy auntie, auntie how are you doing? Om where to auntie?".  Answer the bag
"Thank God, uncle, auntie, coincidentally, my dad is having a duty outside the city, son, let's eat first, bagas, lita already cooks your favorite food."  Take Mama Lita
"Lodho chicken, auntie, waahhh what is delicious homemade wife".  Answer bagas (happy smile)
"What the heck do you love, shame on mama".  Replied lita (blushed)

"Bagas enjoyed dinner with family Lita".

22.30 Bagas said goodbye to go home, because it was late at night.

"Lita" call bagas to lita (both of the two houses)
"Yes, bagas, why? Is there something left behind?"  (answered lita confused)
"I love you, Happy Anniversary 😚 thank you for accompanying me for two years, thank you for patiently waiting and holding back, thank you also for your attention, and your loyalty 🤗 love u,".  (bagas hugging Lita while shedding tears)
"You are the same, dear, thank you so patient and my childishness, sometimes you have to promise to always be uplifting, healthy, not to be sad, continue to succeed for you".  (Lita replied to the bagat hug).

Suddenly bagas pulled out something in his pocket
And kneel before Lita

"Lita maybe this is the only thing I can give you, I don't know how long you have to wait for me to ask. I want to give this ring to your ring finger, consider this the initial proof that I am serious about you. Tonight, 25 February 2018, I proposed to you  , I want to someday you become a part of my life, be the mother of my children, and be encouraging in every step I make a living, lita are you ready and willing to accompany me until later we are officially married? ".  (bagas kara waiting for an answer)

"Honey, this might be hard for me. I don't know how long I have to wait for you, but with you I learn to trust each other, learn to be a woman who is friendly with longing, to be a strong woman. I want to continue learning with you, I want to accompany you until  later the time comes ".  Lita answered with tears in tears (bagas put a ring on her finger and hugged, kissed her forehead)

That night was the most beautiful night for both of them.

"It's not how long they met, but what impression they had painted in every second of their togetherness".  @NAWASENARAWINDRA

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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