Peak of the event

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At 00.00  the highlight of the event I was waiting for.  Everyone gathered and gave me a birthday wish.

"Happy birthday, Lita, hope to be a better woman," said Lita's friends.
"Happy birthday to you my dear child, good wishes are fulfilled", said Lita's parents.

Now it's time to cut a birthday cake
  the first piece of cake I gave to my parents and the next cake to my friends.

"kring kring kring" my cellphone rang, spontaneously I opened the cellphone and there was hope in my heart, Bagaskara wished me a happy birthday.  And it turns out that there really is a short message that bagas write,
"Happy 19th birthday dear, I hope that what is best for you will be accomplished, hopefully your wishes and wishes will be fulfilled this night, sorry I can only send messages, there are no gifts to give at this time, sorry also can't come to the event  your special tonight. I hope you always understand my current situation and continue to be patient waiting for me in any condition, love you ❤️🎂 ",

I do not know whether to be happy or sad at night, I cried reading short messages from my lover who was far away.  I do not know how long I have to be patient in this long wait.

Only prayers and tears accompany my love story.
I replied to the message from Bagas, "Thank you for the prayer you have given, I know we may not be able to meet at this time. However, I hope tomorrow we can meet, tell stories, laugh happily, walk together like lovers who love each other, I don't expect more  You came at this special event and I do not expect a gift because the most beautiful gift at this time can be with you in a state of joy and sorrow, my hope is simple just want you to always be in a good state, loyal, and remember me when we are apart distance and time, Love you too  my darling 😢❤️.
  (I cry in the middle of this happy event).

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