Chapter 4

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About an hour later, things were starting to become suspicious with the school. Students weren't coming home at normal times. The spouses of the professors were concerned and calling the main office for answers. Andrei took care of the phone calls. Letting people know there had been an accident and they were looking into finding survivors.

"We need to get the police involved and find a way to explain this. There are no other witnesses except Maya's friend and the other girl and they're out cold. I can't see them believing a couple of young girls." Mordicus mentioned to Andrei.

"Yes, you're right," Andrei pondered. "Regardless though, you, Maureen, Isa, Maya and I need to leave. The Dhampirs need to handle this since they are the closest thing to looking human. I'll have to send over others though. We will need Nikolas to come back with us." Andrei responded.

"What exactly is Maya? She isn't a Dhampir is she? I thought she was supposed to be a pure-blood."

"She has not turned yet. That process begins once she is a legal adult, and I can tell a lot of her normal senses are changing. Most of her physical appearance will come last."

"I forgot that's how it works. It's been so long since I turned." Mordicus cast his gaze afar in deep thought.

Andrei then turned to Maureen and said, "Maureen, go call the police. I already told the frantic callers they were called, so be quick before any of them decide to arrive on scene. Also, I need you to scout the rest of the building just to be safe and to ensure there are no other survivors."

Maureen took off towards the office without question.

"Why did you send her? She can hardly tolerate people as it is." Nikolas asked with knitted brows.

"Her disposition towards Maya concerns me so I sent her away. She needs to be able to prove her trustworthiness eventually. Her past shouldn't have to define her present or her future." Andrei answered.

Isa came out with Maya by her side. Both were covered in blood. They both joined the guys and Maya looked at Andrei and said, "I believe you."

"Oh? What changed your mind?" a quizzical smile crossed his face.

Her face turned pale and she trembled as she spoke, "The smell of blood used to make me so sick in the stomach. Now it is something I find riveting. That very fact disgusts me..." she paused for a moment to reflect. "I have no idea who I am anymore. What I am..."

Everyone stared either at her or at the floor, not sure how to respond.

"Sometimes discovering for yourself is the best way to go about this. All of us purebloods have to go through the transition and it's not easy. There isn't much any of us can do to help you through it because everyone reacts to it differently." Andrei told her. "It's much more difficult for you because your memories were stripped, so you had no way of preparing for it."

Isa stepped up and said, "I'm sorry to change the subject, but we best get the two girls back to my clinic. They are both stabilized at the moment, but they need more medical attention that I cannot offer here."

Andrei nodded, "We all need to be going. Maureen should have called the police by now and I had her scout the area to make sure nothing had gone amiss." He looked at Nikolas, "You stay here. I'm going to send Caelan over to help you. The rest of us are heading back."

Maureen came running back to the group, "Time to split. The men in blue are on the way I can hear them. They're approximately two miles away yet."

Maya was left dumbfounded. How could she hear them from that far?

"I have always admired your heightened sense of hearing Maureen." Andrei complimented. "Nikolas and Mordicus, gather the girls and let's head back to Dark Clan."

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