Chapter 11

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"This place is really creepy." Maya commented as she glanced around the Sequestration Sector. Sophrana and Camilla lead her through a rundown corridor with walls that were stark and dilapidated. Cold drafts made the hairs on her arms stand, giving her goosebumps. There were obtrusive, ramshackle doors that stood along the dank walls that barely seemed to hang onto their hinges. The wood was rotted, giving off a moldy smell.

"This place... is a big part of the clan's history. Many of our kin hid down here when the vampire hunters were still a problem. Now we use it for feeding. The rooms give everyone privacy since feeding isn't the most civil thing in the world." Sophrana explained.

"It's in need of a little updating. Maybe some freshener." Maya said as she wrinkled her nose.

They continued a few more feet when Sophrana stopped at the third door along the damp wall, Camilla almost running into her.

"I know this is going to seem very strange to you, but once it's done, it will feel natural. Take your time and remember, this person is willing to help. I can't warn you as to how you might feel during transformation but be prepared for the worst." Sophrana cautioned her.

"We'll be right here when you're done." Camilla assured her, giving her a thumbs up.

Maya was grateful for Camilla coming along to support her. She grasped the doorknob and went to turn it when she spotted Maureen, Rosemarie and three other girls she hadn't seen before walking past. They all glanced her way, giving her looks of pure disgust. Especially Rosemarie.

Maya guessed the other three were the sisters she was referring to earlier today. They all looked very much alike, but each was very beautiful in their own unique way. Their outside part of them at least, which said little about what kind of a person they were.

She focused her eyes back on the door and opened it. Inside of it had the same appearance as it did out here. Only there was a small window with metal bars running vertically, an uncomfortable looking bed, and the girl Maya was told about.

"Hi. I'm Laura. I've heard a lot about you." She was staring at the floor; her dirty blonde, choppy lob hair fell over her face. Maya could sense her discomfort, which made her a bit uneasy as well.

"I've done this many times, so I know what to do." She moved her hair to the side to expose her neck. The veins were prominent and there were scars of previous bites over the years. A couple of them were stretched as if the vampires who'd bitten her had drug their teeth down her neck.

Instinctively, Maya's fangs pulsated, and an uncontrollable desire overcame her. This was it. The last moment she would have any human roots. If she had any at all.

She took hold of Laura's shoulder, pulled her head to the side, and sunk her fangs into her neck.

Blood trickled down and soaked into Laura's shirt. She maintained her composure, squeezing her eyes shut trying to endure the agonizing pain.

As she consumed Laura's blood, memories began to flood back. So many memories... she collapsed to the floor in a heap while the color of her skin became a deathly white.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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