Chapter 8

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"I hate mornings..." Maya mumbled as she drug herself out of bed. The sun shone exceptionally bright through the window of her bedroom, waking her up after finally finding sleep.

All night she tossed and turned. Partly from staying in a single man's house and partly for everything that happened yesterday. Even though today was a new day, yesterday wasn't far behind, and yesterday still affected today.

There was a light knock on the door.

"I heard you up and moving around. I wanted to make sure you were alright." It was Caleb.

"I'm fine. Just a long night is all. You can come in." She had slept in her clothes she was so tired.

Caleb opened the door and stood in the doorway..

"I see pajamas aren't your thing," he chuckled. "Did you want to shower this morning? You look like you could use a nice waking up." He smiled gently.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer."

He handed her two towels and a washcloth.

"I figured you would. That's why I had these on hand!" He grinned.

"Thanks." Was all she could say to him. She was too embarrassed to talk to him now that she noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt. The man was ripped, and she found herself trying to avoid looking at him at all.

"Everything else you need is in the bathroom already. I didn't think you'd like old spice shampoo, so I went out early this morning and got something else. Please take all the time you need." He closed the door until it clicked shut.

A bathroom was connected to her room with a step-in shower. She marveled at how well off these vampires seemed to be. At least he was well off...

She undressed and stepped into the shower. She turned on the water and let it wash off all the dirt and grime that accumulated. There was more on her than she thought as she watched the black water make its way down the drain. She stood there under the water for a while, not thinking about how much time had passed. All she knew was that she wanted to wash off everything. Whatever she could possibly rinse off her body. If only she could wash away her troubles.

She dressed herself while still in the bathroom, taking time to look presentable. She stared at herself in the huge mirror above the sink. Her skin color was paler today than yesterday. Her eyes pulsated a glowing green, giving them a different shade of their natural color. Most likely a reaction to the dry blood going down the drain. It still amazed her that she was able to sleep covered in all that.

Maya was made aware of her transformation, but it still scared her. She felt like there was more that wasn't explained to her. Everything felt so different than before. She went to check her teeth next. The fangs were beginning to form and were small needles on all four corners of her front teeth.

"Oh God, why me?" She looked up to the ceiling in hopes of a divine revelation. If killing people is wrong and no one can help you, is it still wrong to want to survive if it means killing people? She contemplated the issues that the vampires without clans have to live.

"I can't even imagine."

She threw her hair back in a ponytail and left the bathroom.

She came out to the kitchen and Caleb was standing over the stove making eggs and sausage. Maya's stomach growled when she smelled the pleasant aroma. Some part of her was still human at least. He turned his head when he heard her come in.

"Oh good, you're just in time. I thought you'd like a hot breakfast before you start your morning with err... him." He hesitated from saying the name of said person.

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