Chapter 5

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            There were at least one-hundred acres of land surrounded by nine-foot-tall walls made of thick concrete bricks. Several hundred Douglas-fir trees provided complete shade over the area. Only one building stood up about twenty feet above the wall and when they entered through the front gates, she saw it was an academy. Not your average academy, but a training academy. The name stood out on the front of the pyramid shaped building: Dark Clan Training Academy and Education Center.

The group entered through the front gate with the two girls. Hundreds of people were walking around in full-tight armor or regular clothing. Some children were running around playing together. Some of them stopped to stare as Mordicus and Nikolas took the girls into the clinic. Isa and Maureen followed suit.

Maya tried to head inside as well but a man was coming her way and stepped in front of her to look her in the eye. He was creepy looking with his long nose and ruffled long hair. His grin strangely pleased at the sight of her as he made circles around her with his hands behind his back.

"What have we here?" he sniffed around her neck and threaded his fingers through her hair. He had a sinister gleam in his eyes that spoke of hunger for a young girl's blood.

"Show some self-control Flamir. She is not a donor nor is she your playmate." Andrei walked up after stopping to talk to someone.

"Aw come on," he said with a hint of innocence. "I just wanted a good look at her. She seems like a... delightful young lady." He took a long slender finger and brushed it under her chin. Her skin filled with goosebumps and a shiver ran down her spine.

Andrei slapped his hand away, "Knock it off. Don't you have work to do?" He snorted.

"My my. Touchy, aren't we?" Flamir was still grinning with satisfaction. "It appears I am no longer welcome in your presence dear. You can visit me anytime though." Flamir hinted at the word 'anytime'. He moved closer to her causing Maya to involuntarily step back and fall on her backside.

Flamir roared with laughter. "She's a keeper. I may have to borrow her later." He staggered from laughing so hard, making his way back to his house.

A young girl about fourteen ran up to Maya and helped her up before Andrei could do anything.

"Are you okay?" She gave a gentle smile as she helped to pat the dirt of Maya's back.

"I'm fine, thank you." Maya smiled back.

The girl glared at Andrei, "You let him get away with everything."

Andrei lifted an eyebrow at her, "I only help control what he can't do. Not what he shouldn't do. There are things that require my attention more than his poor approach with women."

The girl snorted with annoyance then continued speaking to Maya. "In case he hasn't told you yet, he is the leader's deputy here. I think you'll like her better." She winked jokingly at them both. "My name is Cahila. I'm one of the students at the academy. You're Maya, aren't you?"

Maya wanted to ask how she knew, but figured her presence was most likely made known throughout the Clan. "Yes, I am."

"It's great to finally meet you my liege," Cahila did a curtsy. "If only that stupid Flamir knew who you were. He would change colors." She giggled.

I don't even know who I am anymore, Maya thought sadly, but she gave a small smile.

Andrei was getting impatient, tapping his foot rapidly. "You can stay here and chat, Maya, or we can get to where we're going. In case you have forgotten what it is you were doing."

Cahila's eyes flashed at him with annoyance, "You've got manners like my brother," she turned back to Maya, "I'm sure I'll see you around. You'll have to meet everyone when you get the chance! I think you will fit in just fine!" She skipped away waving as she went.

Maya waved back, happiness swelling inside her that someone already is welcoming her here.

"Caleb will not be up for much longer. He has a strict schedule, so we must be going." Andrei coaxed her to get moving.

Maya looked at the sky, "So, it's true vampires sleep during the day?"

"Nope." Andrei shook his head and began to walk towards the cluster of homes where Flamir had gone to. "We have first, second, and third shifts just like humans do. We have to work around the clock as well to keep things running properly. Caleb being a pureblood just works better at night like most purebloods. The Dhampirs typically work first shift as their needs differ from us. The sun does not bother them like it does us. I can assure you that we do not sparkle or explode into ash, but it does burn and effects our energy levels."

"Sparkle?" Maya gave him a bewildered look.

"The stories that teenage girls read are quite preposterous. My daughter tells me all about them. I guess if she enjoys them, I can't complain."

Maya giggled as she just remembered what book he was talking about. She wondered who his daughter was but figured now was not the time to ask personal questions.

They arrived at a small, yet elegantly decorated cottage that screamed royalty lived here. Maya found it odd that a prince would live in such a place. Most royalty lived in castles or much bigger homes. Not among other people in a tiny abode.

Andrei knocked at the door. Several locks were clicking from the inside before it opened. There in the doorway stood a young man just slightly taller than her and hair slicked back neatly with a few loose strands on the side of his face.

It wasn't until after he said 'hello' that the realization kicked in. Her jaw gaping and her heart racing at the sight that stood before her.

"You're Caleb?"

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